Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Old munah
Je suis le Meilleurs écrivain, poète, lyriciste et Ghost writter du monde
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Hello my name is Kristi "Klassik"J I'm originally from Detroit now here in the DFW area. I'm a music producer, guitarist, and engineer. Student from Full Sail recording program soon graduating class of 2017..
I love music and making it sound better is my greatest passion, unfortunately I'm a newbie in this, but definetly I know what I'm doing, as I practice in my home studio often and have the will and responsabiltily to do the best job possible.
Produced tracks for artists that have hundreds of thousands of streams across various streaming platforms, check out the audio samples to see the high quality beats.
I am a songwriter/ musician by trade with over 17 years of experience. I also do session vocals and guitars and have some experience mixing/ mastering music. My song "Drink The Water" currently has over 14 million views on YouTube. Most recently I won the Magic City Songwriting competition in Birmingham, AL for my song "I Need a Change."
Specialize in Music production, mixing and mastering and song writing
Sessions include artists like Yungblud, Jamie Bower, Youth, Chinchilla, and Ben Folds.
Young and motivated producer, engineer & DJ with enough skills and experience to get the best out of your ideas and curate the best sound for you.
Professional mixing and mastering. Powerful and positive lyrics.
Recent Successes
"5 stars"
"Simon is an absolutely pleasure to work with - he really made my song come to life. I don't have a single complaint - Simon is amazing at what he does. Thank you so much, Simon. "
"There will be a time when we won't have access to Jenny. I'm sure of it...because she's that good! She did a second take of a song I sent her and what was already sounding very very good, ending up being truly great..."
"Once again, it was a great opportunity to work with Ranieri together! His vocals are perfect - I´m so happy about it, and will be back again very very soon!!! "
"G is a FANTASTIC producer, with an immense range, and great flexibility. He knows exactly how to give you the sound you want on, an insane timeline! The speed with which he puts things together, paired with the qualit..."
"Gemaine's voice on my ambient R&B song was incredible. He lyrically penned a beautiful hook and verses and I couldn't be happier with the result. Thanks Gemaine!"
"Man really nails every song project we do! Continously impressed with the creativity he brings to every new song, thank you man for everything you do!"
"Matt is great!!! He gave the sound I wanted to my creation 😊 I really appreciated the communication and the kindness. He really knows what he’s doing and if you ask for some changes he’s ready to listen what he can do..."
"I've had Bruce's talents on a few of my songs and they always turn out beautifully! He responds quickly and has a great work ethic. I will definitely call on him again...fiddle, pedal steel, guitar...he can do it all!"