Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Oksar
With credits on acclaimed albums, I specialize in genre-blending soundscapes, shaping memorable sonic experiences. As a Madrid-based music producer and mix engineer, I offer genuine expertise and a commitment to innovation in every project.
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Locally grown, artisanal, hand-made, organic, renewable, craft stunt-guitar playing.
Through my dedication as a music producer i solo recorded and engineered two of the most played on repeat for a couple of months, Tape and EP Album respectively in Kenyan Radio spectrum specifically Homeboyz radio with the artists "Nene K" and "Steph Kapela." I'm dedicated about sound and i hope you will not hesitate to make your first Order!
Hello! I am a full time professional musician and recently completed a contract working in 5* resorts in the Middle East. I am a highly experienced vocalist with 6+ years of experience. Since completing my music degree, I have been working in many areas of the music industry, both at home and abroad. I look forward to singing your songs!
Need a real 'musician' to mix a cheeky song soon or do a jazzy or funky live drum track? You're in luck. Regi Ashman can do both of those things (and maybe more).
If you are looking for a new, modern sound in Lo-fi, Hip Hop, Pop and R&B.. I'm your guy! Currently working as a freelancer, I can create your song from scratch or build a full arrangement around your lyrics/vocal ideas. Hit me up and let's talk, I'm here to help :)
My lyrics will elevate your songs and take your music to otherworldly dreamscapes. If what you're looking for is something different and original, then my songwriting can provide that.
English, French, and German lyrics, vocals and vocal production! I am a versatile professional singer with a lot of experience in this industry. Big collaborations with artists such as Rolipso & Shiah Maisel (4M+ monthly listeners combined). Let's create songs that will leave a lasting impact on your listeners.
Recent Successes
"When you're looking for professional, I mean a real professional, then Mark Prentice is your man. Thank's again Mark! We'll have a Jack on you."
"Anja was great to work with and made sure everything was on time and ran smoothly even when I was delayed in my creative process. She turned around everything quickly, including fleshing out my poems into lyrics and h..."
"You know you can find good singers on some of these web talent sites, but it's rare you find singers that aren't just good, but are really people who deserve to be on hit records, and these guys are that good. "
"Sam mixed my EP and really brought the project to the next level. Most of my recordings were from my home studio, so there were technical errors with white noise and static sound, but he worked his magic and brought a..."
"I worked for the first time with Leandro and from day one on, he's been very professional and reliable. He asked about my ideas and then also came up with his own suggestion, which added a lot to the music. He totally..."
"3 new tracks together and the quality remains the same. Denny is one of my favourite songwriter to work with. Thx again"
"This brother is amazing. We'll be working again in the near future."