Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with ohu
Hi, I'm Ivy. I'm a singer songwriter based in Liverpool, currently in the US. I have an abundance of experience in Jazz, RnB, Pop, K-pop, and Ballads. I can sing, harmonize, and write melodies for you! Let's make art together! :)
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In the middle of Gothenburg me and my studio serve as an audiohub for creatives. For remote recordings, production skills, acoustic piano recordings or mix jobs all over the world , just send me an email. Best/David
Jo'Shua is producer, composer, musician and creative arranger. Very high quality and professional tracks!
Music composer and producer available for hire
basically i am a keyboard player who can add beats, chords, arrangements of musics and deliver them as per your needs as a complete product.We can do any type of music ,various Genere (EDM,Indian), styles, for any requirement like TV broadcasting,Singles,for youtube, and Corporate.We can also workout any legal terms and conditions per your needs.
I'm a producer and mixing engineer specializing in such genres as r&b / neo-soul, hip hop, rap, trap, and some dance genres. However, if you have a unique style that doesn't necessarily fit into anything mentioned above, I am always open to try myself in something totally new.
Creative basslines. Music is always the priority. My purpose is to find and provide the best sound according to your song and artistic vision.
ESCURO SIM - volal: puto portugues x babo beat
0 Grammy winner. Let's make 1 together
Recent Successes
"Brillant as always. Always a pleasure working with Brian. Amazing job"
"Eileen is a great singer & super kind. She delivers a great vocal performance at the highest possible quality. Eileen is super helpful, flexible to adjust to your needs & you can rest assured that the result you'll ge..."
"SRGY is a great musician and a very creative producer. I loved working with him, would 120% recommend."
"Andres is a respectful and easygoing individual who truly enjoys his job and talent. He took the time to ask how I wanted the result to turn out, taking that extra step in care and consideration for the outcome. The ..."
"Always amazing and im confident after every mix knowing that I can showcase my songs. It's all every artist ask for. A quality mix and thats what you get with curt<<"
"Paul produced three of my songs and each time he was very professional and had fantastic ideas regarding the arrangement of the songs. Highly recommended!"
"Me and Scott just completed another legendary one for the books, Scott is one of my favorite vocalists of all time to work with, tremendous passion, creative input and professionalism at all times, it's such a pleasur..."
"Sam is such a great intuitive singer. Every time he does a track for me , it's perfect. Extremely professional and a quick turnaround time. "