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odessa Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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Electronic, Pop, RnB, Indie, Alternative, Acoustic, Classical, and Hip-hop. I ghostwrite, produce backing tracks, compose toplines, sing, and play 6 instruments. My tracks have reached Spotify's Top 50 Viral with millions of streams across the globe, I love collaborating with other musicians, and I genuinely care about making your project rad!
Randy Kohrs is a Grammy-award winning engineer, producer, mixer. As a top session musician on dobro and lap steel, among other related instruments, he has played on over 600 albums for artists ranging from Dolly Parton to Little Big Town. A chart-topping artist in the bluegrass/Americana world, he has released five albums of his own.
Bringing your unique sound to life!
I am a recording and performing music artist and song writer, Been singing professionally for about twenty years. I have a natural airy vocal texture. Superb backing vocals and female lead mix. Been recording for music artists home and abroad for 8 years and counting. Singing is my best thing in the world. Let me give you the Best.
Professional, Strong, Lead Female Vocals And Harmonies.
Count me in to produce, write or mix your songs.
Session keyboardist and singer-songwriter with over a decade of experience playing and recording in a wide variety of styles
Recent Successes
"As I sit here trying to write this review, i'm truly speechless. Killian produced a track that was beyond anything I could've ever imagined and absolutely blew me away. He really listens to you and your vision and the..."
"Elias was very professional and did his job well. He edited some guitar tracks for me. He was extremely fair about pricing and the quality was great. He was on time. This entire experience felt very professional all a..."
"Always so much fun working with Bram, his energy is unmatched and his mixing and mastering are top tier!"
"As usual it’s always a pleasure working with Brandon! He’s Amazing to work with, very professional and incredibly passionate! He mixed and Mastered my Afrobeat song and turned it into a masterpiece! The final version ..."
"Tha Heaven is an excellent engineer. Not only does he listen to every request, but he provides input that helps the musician and their understanding of certain elements. 10/10."
"Mariano Agustin Fernandez did an exceptional job composing and arranging the strings for my song, From Her Home. Took the song to the next level. I already have another song in mind for Mariano to work on for me! "