Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with October Tide
Well versed in everything from stonerrock to post-metal to death metal. I excel at natural & realistic tones with modern punch & impact.
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I can play the piano pretty well giving me an advantage to make new tunes for your songs. Especially the fact that it has over 100 different instruments.
I'm a music creative who's active as a songwriter, music producer and mix engineer interested in providing the best service and creating the best product having trained under Tony Maserati and been involved in projects such as Beyonce's Lemonade, Keith Urban's Ripcord and Gallant's Ology.
Electronic music duo that creates future bass, emotional music. Artist inspirations are Haywyre, Illenium, San Holo, Odesza, Clozee, Hans Zimmer, Seven Lions.
A creative, original and versatile music producer and beatmaker!
offering lyrics & melody to most genres
Mi sonido es la definición de clase y categoría
Music to me is about feeling. We listen to music because It makes us feel something. Therefore, when I am mixing a project I approach it with feeling, and most importantly, what the artist is feeling.
Recent Successes
"My second experience with Hugo. Another job well done. Hugos ability to interpret ideas makes him so easy to work with. Really enjoying working with him."
"Chad has worked on three of my songs in the past. I go to him for guitar work when I need someone who is an absolute master of guitar tones and textures. I always give him some direction for what I’m looking for and t..."
"Well what can I say... another ten-star performance by Alex! He never fails to go above and beyond! Hands down my favorite vocalist!"
"First, I'm not comfortable using a ratting system that I remember from kindergarten. Katie's work ethic seemed very professional she possesses the 'how can I make your project even better' attitude. That is 5Stars. K..."
"Dennis delivers prompt, high-quality recordings with excellent playing. He's communicative and readily addresses any questions. A top-notch studio drummer."
"Best vocal production and mixing I could ask for. Caz takes my unnecessarily overcrowded productions and somehow engineers the clearest mixes I’ve ever heard. On top of that his professionalism and on time delivery is..."