Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Nucleator
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Original backing tracks/beats
Versatile with genres , Fast Delivery and High quality sound guaranteed. We will work on your projects untill you are 100% satisfied.
. Percusionista con una experiencia de 15 años, tocando y estudiando todos los estilos musicales: Como, música africana, bossa, samba brasilera, sambareggae, Rumba, Son, Guaracha, Columbia, Cumbia, Bolero, Reggae, Soul, Funk, Folclore, música Afroperuana, Afrobeat, y Tango. . Y con estudios en;ESMMLA | EMMLA (Esc de Música de Lanús). Argentina.
I produce music under the name B-Dos. You can hear my work here: https://soundcloud.com/b-dos I've been producing for the past 5 years and have dedicated several hours every day to become the best at what I do. My music has been featured on a few bigger SoundCloud labels like Quality Goods Records, Phuture Collective, etc.
I'm a gig hardened, studio polished drummer and recording engineer with experience playing genres ranging Jazz to Country, Hardcore to Indie, and anything in between. I love crafting drum parts that support a song in just the right way.
A modern noir/night artist #darkmusic. My music style is a mash-up of jazz, musical, new age, electronic and country, and of course 100% organic singing with a lot of nuances and emotion.
Im in sound engineering for 8 years so I had a huge experience of working with any clients orders! I contact with client and make sure we understand each other to make sure we will get the final result clear. I send a demos of what I have to let a client hear what I think of project might sound like!
I'm a session player for Skrillex, Pharrell, Justin Bieber, Steve Martin, and Pentatonix to name a few.
Recent Successes
"Worked with Andrew Before, So i knew what i was getting and as always it's top quality writing and performance. Highly Recommend "
"Aliz is a wonderful talent and a great person to work with!! She went the extra mile to really ensure everything sounded as was requested, and I fully appreciated her dedication that she put on the task. Thank you!!"
"This is the first time I'm working with Austin. It was a difficult time as things were under lockdown due to the covid crisis. He has been very prompt and patient at times when needed. He is a fantastic musician & pro..."
"MANN !!! This guy is top notch quality and professional, everything was on time and made my experience 100% better. This is what it’s all about right here. Quality is insane I’m just mind blown. And the amount of ex..."
"A true professional, responsive, listening. He did an exceptional job on our track ! I recommend him without any hesitation."
"Ziv's talent with his use of slides and vibratos is untouchable. As an electronic music producer, his guitar solo gave my songs that warmth and live performance feel that it was lacking, and brought my song to another..."