Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with nstlgns
If you’re looking for something unique, but still polished and competitive I can make that happen. I have over 10 years of experience making computer music and am fluent in a wide range of genres.
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Starting off as a drummer and continuing as an engineer, I've been involved in the music industry all of my professional career. I fell in love with mixing and mastering other artists' music. Every musician deserves to get goosebumps when they listen back to the finished mixes. This is what gets me up in the morning.
I make music that takes you to another world; vibey, spacious tracks that you can lose yourself in.
I'm a Mix Engineer
I do a lot of different genres, Many say their the best, but the proof is in the music. tell me what you need and lets get it done...
Studied Audio Engineer with over 10 years of experience in mixing & mastering
Risk-Free Trial: Receive a complimentary MP3 sample of half your song, mastered. Love the result? Proceed with confidence to receive the full track in your preferred high-quality format.
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Recent Successes
"Amazing voice. Amazingly quick turnaround. Brandon got the vibe, feel and atmosphere of the song straight away. So easy to work with. More than happy with his work. I will definitely be working with Brandon again."
"Great job! Attentive to input on our song! Nate heard the vision and potential of our song and took it all the way to 110% + Great guy, communicative, skilled, and excited to work with him again in the near future! Wo..."
"An awesome collaboration as usual. With every finished mix I am impressed anew by Ariel's extraordinary abilities! "
"Another great session with Bryan on the bass- always impressed by his work and I just dig how he plays !"
"Very easy to work with and a great orchestration arranger. Already working on the second song with him! Highly recommended."