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Northampton Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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Owner, Founder, Label Manager @BNCexpress - Dj & Producer - Sound designer
Red Bull, Coca Cola, Renault
My name is Ezequiel and I’m a music producer based in Madrid. I create beats and instrumentals for independent artists. My aim is to always create tracks that can transmit feelings. Hope you like them!
Sculpture Is a High quality ghost production service born in 2015, and is focused on every Techno Genre/subgenres.
This is Naim Benelmadjat, i'm a professional session Pianist, and a Piano Teacher and Music Composer, i have a 10+years of experience in the field of music, i played with a lot of bands with different musical approaches and styles such as jazz, pop, blues and rock music.
I help you Craft all the technical aspects of your music and sound. I will Mix and Master your music and take it to next level. I will hear what are your desires and make them reality and I promise I will deliver every time
Buy nice tracks !
Music mixing Music mastering Professional mix and mastering Mixing and mastering services Mixing engineer Mastering engineer Audio mixing and mastering Online mixing and mastering Studio mixing and mastering High-quality mixing and mastering
Recent Successes
"This my 2nd time around working with Quincy and as great as the last time went I feel like this 1 went a level better. Not only is he a great vocalist hes very professional and encouraging. Last time he did a hook for..."
"A great experience working with Tyler, amazing voice, great communicator, professional, prompt and very happy with the end result. Will definitely be looking to use him again. "
"Great work"
"Gabor was great to work with - outstanding performance and quick turnaround"
"Nice voice, good delivery, easy to work with, made the song stand out, I highly recommend. "
"This was a tough job and Kristian went wayyy beyond what we hired him for. He's a legit pro. "
"I've been working with Cory off and on for a few years now. Probably over a dozen projects at this point. I have to say he has never let me down creatively. Awesome musical instincts. Quick turnaround. Great commu..."
"It was such a pleasure working with Marcus! He's got an amazing talent and he delivered exactly what I wanted. :D I loved working with Marcus and I will definitely be back in the future!"