Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with North Bloom
Do you want a professional mix and master with punchy, warm, analog sound? I am your man for the job with over a decade of experience and 1,000+ hours as lead engineer on projects in professional studio space.
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im a music producer and songwritter
Hi, my names Will, I'm 20 years old and I'm from Birmingham UK, I am the lead vocalist of the band Light The Skies and I've been working with the band for 3 years, I am currently seeking to help songwriters and producers so they have a voice to work with.
Coming soon!
Owner of Fretless Studios; music production without the fret. Take a second to listen to my past work to see if I can be of value to you! Here to get your tracks sounding top-notch.
Con más de 20 años de Experiencia como Productor Musical en Venezuela con La afamada Banda Mata Rica y distintas agrupaciones y solistas de la movida Nacional.
I’m a music producer and session musician from Phoenix, AZ here to help artists achieve their creative vision and goals.
I want your music to sound exactly as you envisioned. After all, that's all that matters really right?
Hi! I’m a NYC/LA-based producer and composer obsessed with all things related to sound. From the initial songwriting process through the recording and mixing phases, I'm happy to jump in wherever you need to bring your vision to life! Over 10 years, 98% of my clients have hired me again - that' the best thing I can say.
Recent Successes
"Mickey got everything to be a star, good voice, good writing, person listening, effective and fast. She did exactly what i waited for. I hope i ll work more with Mickey in the future. 10 stars artist!!!"
"Great engineer - all the time available, clear vocals mixings, doing everything to meet client's desires - That's how I imagine a real mixing and mastering!🔥"
"Eric gets 5 stars from me, but 5 stars really isn't enough. I am an extremely picky client, and I went through 3 different vocalists before I landed on Eric. He was very professional. I had him do multiple revisions, ..."
"Hey if your looking for someone that can stay in the pocket of any groove, you need to be collaborating with Jonny Tobin!! A Great musician with Great communication! I’m definitely gonna collab with him on some more s..."
"Theodor was great to work with. Excellent communication and overall understanding of the music we were creating. Every suggestion we had for the drum arrangements we needed help with was executed exactly how we we..."
"R I V I E R A are absolute professionals! There's plenty of praise to go around concerning their artistic vision and mastery of production, but truthfully their punctual and open communication is a trait that can't be..."
"It was a pleasure working with Kagan. He supplied us with high quality brass recordings quickly and efficiently. He was very communicative and we would be happy to work with him again any time!"
"Pro mastering engineer, crazy talented, incredibly friendly and delivers super fast. Literally could not ask for more! Elliot is top notch, I'm going to keep coming to him as long as I make music."
"I had a very old recording saved from cassette, the recording was badly damaged. Javi managed to bring the recording back to a much better shape for a good reasonable fee. Thank you Javi!"