Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Nikki Jay
Billboard-charting producer, songwriter, and mixing engineer specializing in Rap, Hip Hop, RnB, Pop, Alternative, and EDM. I provide mixing, vocal tuning/comping, recording, songwriting, and custom beats. Known for bringing artist visions to life with quality, versatility, and speed. Let's create your next hit together!
Deivid King, Nikki Jayy, Cee.1k, Stunna Gambino, Ted Park, CamilosGarden, Shay Austin Produced and recorded alongside big names such as Stunna Gambino, and most recently toured with Dancehall artist Deivid King, whose single "FUMO" has amassed over 100k views on YouTube.
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Professional recording and post-production studio.
I'm 19, Female.. passionate about music. I can sing: Rap,trap,hiphop,Rock,pop,EDM,soulful,classical opera got myself a good studio Rode NT1A and interface. I want to be amongst the first KENYAN/INDIAN Artists. I also edit and create album covers to your design.. studying in Medschool.. not gonna stop me from doing what I love.
Recording handmade music & mixing almost everything that comes our way since 2007, 70+ productions released, 70+ demos & live recordings, very high percentage of returning customers, several bands have recorded three and more albums with us. We have a huge number of highly professional sessions musicians too, to complete your projects
Hi, I'm Baha. I'm an experienced Oud player for recording and live sessions, I'm also a composer. I've played in albums, soundtracks, theatre shows, live gigs, festivals, etc. I have the equipment to record myself at home. (UAD Apollo twin interface, Lewitt&AKG condenser mics, I use Logic to record)
Bass Singer
Whether working the drums for Liverpool band Monks, writing songs or working on musical compositions to transport emotion: I want to radiate versatility. I am equally at home on stage, on tour – or in the studio where I have worked with Ross Orton (Arctic Monkeys/The Vaccines) and Robert Whiteley (The Wombats, The Night Café).
I'm an animator and illustrator with award-winning projects, who loves creating visuals for music. I have experience working on animated music videos, Spotify loops, live performance visuals and album art.
More than 15 years of experience performing and recording for artist like Salvation Bill, Kelele, Laia VehÃ, Vico Diaz, Mutant-Thoughts and many more. I've been lucky enough to play a wide variety of styles from which I learnt how to find the right sound for every musical context. I'd love to use that experience to help you to craft your music.
Recent Successes
"Sanura works extremely efficiently, communicates regularly (without prompting) and is very accommodating and pleasant to deal with. Vocal performances are of the highest order. Effortlessly smooth and sophisticated...."
"I originally approached Jenny for a vocal sample. Her voice sounded great on the song, so we proceeded to record all the leads with her voice. The entire process was very smooth, and she only needed to revise one word..."
"Although I didn't use Marina's recordings for the track because of personal taste differences, I would highly recommend anybody to work with her ! She is very friendly and coöperative. The recordings she sent were als..."
"Great work again, really fills out the sounds when mastering my track"
"I got exactly what I wanted! Very fast. I plan to work with Francois a lot more in the future! "
"Doug has done an amazing job on the recording. And also helped a lot in finetuning the vocals / shaping the overall track. Hoping to work with him again in the future! Very recommended!"
"It is a pleasure working with Denny. This man is really passionate about what he does and you can feel it ! He has a unique and great voice, and was very dedicated to deliver the perfect result. I'll definitely be wor..."
"Thank you Bruce for another perfect track! Melodic, tasteful fiddle and dobro lines that are the perfect compliment to my Americana sound. Great communication, quick turn around and man, the playing is always on point."