Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Nikita KC
Whether you're looking for a clean, modern mix with depth and clarity or something with a bit more character, I’ve got you covered. I trained at Abbey Road Institute in London (2019) and obtained a First Class BA Honours degree in Popular Music from Edinburgh Napier University (2011). I am a lifelong musician and certified Avid ProTools user.
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Best sound and best prices in Nashville! Pat Lassiter is a respected studio and touring musician, music producer and audio engineer. Your music deserves the highest quality audio representation at a very reasonable price. After all, this is art. Art needs to be shared with the world!
Providing the Professional Tools, Environment, and Expertise to Help You Create, Write, Arrange, Produce, and Record Your Original Music
Hi, I'm Greg & I am a multi-instrumentist, arranger & producer. I am all you need in a single human being !
Pro Tools Certified, Argentine mixing engineer specializing in pop, alternative rock, and electronic music.
Emotive and storytelling beatmaker and producer.
I am an amazing vocalist with experience singing in a variety of different styles such as classic rock, R&B, alternative, pop, folk, and more!
Im a music and audio producer
A UNIQUE MIXTURE OF POP, TANGO AND OPERA ARIAS Originally trained as a lyric coloratura soprano and choir conductor, the German-Argentinean singer/songwriter Amonada Zeon has managed to develop a personal style characterized by gentle though powerful melodies, appealing poetic lyrics, and delightful crystal-clear voice lines.
Recent Successes
"Nate played drums for our next single. He nailed it. Nate brought so much power to the song & just made it so much better. It was a pleasure to create music with Nate. I highly recommend Nate as a drummer! Thank You!"
"Shelley's committed, talented, personable and - in this case at least, where time was a bit of the essence - commendably fast. Not only will I not hesitate to work with her again, but probably look forward to! "
"Matty Harris is a very Talented artist. I worked with him on my debut EP and now my debut album. Simply put, he delivers every time. Matty pays attention to detail and makes sure to translate your vision. I look forwa..."
"Jessie is the absolute best. She really cares about your product and delivers. Great voice and instincts. In a class all her own."
"Everytime I work with him its just the easiest experience in the world. He listens to the what direction I want to go with the song, he works so quickly and efficiently, and most importantly he truly cares about the m..."
"Joylin was very helpful, understanding and very responsive to give final touch to my track with her magical Violin. Highly recommended to anyone who is looking for a creative and professional violinist. She will defin..."
"Brandon did an incredible song on the song I sent. His voice made the song sound so much better than I had even hoped. He had great communication throughout the process, provided feedback and made the song by the thin..."
"Excellent work! Great service and fantastic quality. I highly recommend!"
"I'm so glad we chose Bedroom master for our project! Absolutely satisfied with the result! Thank you! :)"