Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Nick Folia
Hi! My name is Tom and I live in Barcelona, I work as full-time pianist and composer. I've been working for almost 20 years with artists and producers from all over the world. I love creating music and would love to help you with your project!
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Songwriter for Hire
Over the years I have been fortunate enough to record and perform drums on over 2000 tracks through various online and remote portals. With 20+ years behind the kit and 18 years behind the mixing desk you can be certain I will supply high end drum tracks for your project.
#CHAOS Latest release : GIRLS LIKE THE WKND https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U2N3o_zwY8g
Sai Jagannatha Astrology Center is the best astrologer in Bangalore where you can get all type of solutions related to your love, marriage, family matters, Business issues etc through Astrology. Get 100% Accurate Horoscope analysis to understand your future and answers.
I will mix and master your song to be Loud and Competitive for a Low Cost.
It's not about me, It's about you and your idea and vision. I would appreciate to be your mixing engineer for your rock and metal, Punk songs. My Goal? - See you smile while you hear your new mixed track, and have a customer that walks away happy. Click the "Contact" button above, and let's get in touch. Looking forward to have a chat with you.
Ambient pop, my sound design is deep, blue and glitchy. From ambient jungle to lofi-house. I have a degree in music production & sound engineering delivered by Abbey Road Institute
Hits Mixer, Producer, Remixer & Mastering. Analog Specialist & Digital Audio Pioneer
Recent Successes
"Fab working with Brittany ... top notch professional and great voice ... she had to do an edit - promised 24 hours, delivered it in 2hours! ... say no more ... will defo work with her again ... Freddie / musicsync4u ..."
"Noah M. Sometimes you run into people or a situation that you have know clue what the outcome will be. You just hope something good will come out of it. To much good came from working with this beautiful woman. She..."
"Tyler is a great vocalist and is very prompt when delivering. Results are great! Would love to work with her again."
"Best communication I’ve had with an engineer, plus amazing work. This dude really delivers, and is versatile, being able to handle many differ genres "
"Always a top job done ✅ "
"It is not the first job I entrust to Austin and I am always happier to have met him professionally. Punctuality, speed, professionalism, skill and creativity are in his DNA, from 1 to 10: 11 !!! 👏👏👏"
"Donata came up with two different tracks for my song to choose from. She delivered it fast and it gave me a nice opportunity to Finnish my song in a way that I am pleased with. Very satisfied with her contribution"