Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Nicholas Urie
Highly experienced session singer in wide variety of genres, including jazz, pop/R&B, choral, Brazilian music, with appearances on 3 Grammy Award-Winning albums (Lyle Mays, Bobby McFerrin, Arturo O'Farrill), and 15+ years industry experience.
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I grew up learning to appreciate the dynamic nature of gospel, R&B, rock soul (as I like to call it...you know...Ray Charles, Elton John, Hall & Oates, Foreigner) and funk. So, that's the type of singer / songwriter I am.
THE GEM OF EDM // Sad Pop Princess ✨ Professional songwriter, singer, topliner. Released on A State of Trance, Ophelia, Lowly./Trap Nation, I Am Hardstyle, inHarmony & Find Your Harmony, Simplify., Ninety9Lives, and more.
Hi! I’m Dagni, a versatile singer and music producer based in Tallinn, Estonia with a professional home studio. My vocals are featured in a song called “Warzone” by Lowky and me.
I'm a rapper! And I'm looking to work with you...
Award winning singer/songwriter and topliner with a Bachelors Degree in Music Industry. I aim to create catchy melodies and memorable lyrics in any genre.
I’m a bilingual R&B singer and songwriter. I’ve been releasing music since 2019 and I’m currently releasing singles as I craft my debut album. I’m excited to explore this space and collaborate with other creatives with the purpose of making good music.
Need a unique and inspiring sound? I'm the one! With a focus on combining several genres, you can rest assured that your current fan base will appreciate the development and growth of your sound, while also potentially garnering the attention of a whole new fan base!
Finding the best for your project is my mission. If you want a big sound, ready to break the world, I want to help you on that path.
Recent Successes
"Well first of all, I wish there were twice as many stars to give! This is my second time working with C3 Studio, and after a lot of tweaks and adjustments, I was given a beautiful product of a song, exactly how I had ..."
"Was a big pleasure to work with Anthony, he is a real professional and manage to make my track sounds commercial. I would recommend him and I am looking forward to work with him again soon!"
"I couldn't have chosen a better vocalists for my track. Supremely talented and extremely knowledgeable. She knew exactly what I wanted even if I couldn't find the words to fully explain myself. Her range is incredible..."
"Easy to work with . Leads and bgs always on the money."
"Chad is truly the most professional and kindest person I've worked with in the music industry thus far. He is SO patient and understanding and does everything within his power to make sure you - the client - are satis..."
"Great work! Very professional and fast! Very happy with the results. Matt has a great voice and he write very professional lyrics!"
"Pasha? who is Pasha? ah! That genius musician? He's crazy 'cause he plays so good It's real, don't doubt it I'll ask him to play again never doubt! this guy is a genius"
"More fantastic work from Jeff! Such a great ear for mixing and easy to work with!"