Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Nfasis
An exciting up and coming mix & mastering engineer who has worked on over 800 tracks professionally with over 50 Million + streams combined. Has the tools and expertise to give your tracks a huge sonic sound, ready for all available platforms and settings.
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Diego Granados es un músico y técnico en sonido y grabación Colombiano que viajó en agosto del año 2004 a Buenos Aires buscando culminar sus estudios y que por diferentes oportunidades y vueltas de la vida terminó haciendo de Argentina su país adoptivo y su lugar de residencia.
- Discovery Channel (Conociendo a mi bebe/La llegada del bebe/Como Lo Resuelven/Historias Caóticamente Hermosas/Cheff a Domicilio LA/Mujeres Traficantes/GenH/Last Chance Salon/Alerta!/Documental Infierno en Cromañon/Mudar Faz Bem/Niñera a domicilio)
- MTV LA(MTV Guik/MTV In Studio/MTV MADE SE La Carrera)
- Telefé (Mundos Paralelos)
Medellín, 1995 Corporación Universitaria Adventista Licenciatura en educación musical. Medellín, 2007 Universidad de Antioquia Especialización en Artes con énfasis en Composición Medellín, 2014 Universidad de Antioquia Maestría en Gestión Cultural
Hi, I can make your song sound amazing. My name is Victor. I'm a creative songwriter and music producer. I can make you sound huge, original and great. I will help your music get out there with a structured plan and purpose. Contact me for more information.
I'm a freelance producer, EDM remixer, mix and mastering engineer and DJ. One of my past collaborations was featured on So You Think You Can Dance. My personal music has a combined 90,000 plays between SoundCloud and AudioMack and I have had remixes placed on record pools such as Headliner Music Club and Heavy Hits.
Professional musician, producer, composer, songwriter, recording, mixing and mastering technician, liveset specialist, and live sound operator. I have experience in a wide variety of music genres, and skills regarding technology applied to audio post production. I'm an enthusiastic, self-driven, and result oriented person. Let's work together!
Experienced live sound engineer with an ability to carry out recording, live mixing, post-mixing, post-editing and final mastering.
Soy un productor musical especializado en la creación integral de instrumentales, con énfasis en mezcla y masterización. Mi enfoque combina precisión técnica y creatividad para lograr paisajes sonoros distintivos. Transformo ideas en obras maestras, garantizando una experiencia auditiva excepcional.
Recent Successes
"Thony did an amazing job on the track. He followed my directions and made awesome suggestions. Turned my demo into a masterpiece of groove. I couldn't be happier with the results. Will be coming back soon for more."
"Kurt is an expert musician, producer. Highly recommend. He is collaborative and always willing to add as much creativity as wanted."
"AMAZING!!! I am very happy with all the work done by Lavender Lane Production. He was exceptional, very strict, calm, and a good communicator. It was an incredible experience. It made my music shine and deliver like i..."
"Riley is an absolute pleasure to work with. Super responsive, he always gets back to my proposals immediately, and turns around the final version of my mastered tracks so quick. This last song literally took less than..."
"What a pleasure to work together with Salit. Super quick to respond, easy communication, and AMAZING quality flute playing. Really happy to have found her and can’t wait to work again. "
"Chad is very nice and super fast.. but i wasnt so happy with the sound of my vocals as i recorded my music at home i needed to fix the vocals but i cant use his mix it didnt sound well"
"Another great mix from Matt. I would definitely recommend. Thank you"