Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Nexus Imperium
Offering professional editing and mixing services from my personal home studio set-up, always ensuring guaranteed on time delivery, high quality and client satisfaction with reasonable pricing.
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Services offered by SAM studio since 1981: State of the art analog and digital Recording and Mixing in a beautiful medieval village surrounded by Tuscan countryside. It is situated 10 minutes away from the Firenze-Pisa-Livorno freeway, 25 minutes from the Pisa International airport, 45 minutes from Florence and Lucca.
Recording Engineer, Producer, Mixer and Mastering Engineer from Medellín, Colombia. Worked on several projects and Artists such as J Balvin, Feid, Juanes, CNCO, Sech, Piso 21, Sebastian Yatra, among others. Love to hear from your project, Have a great time.
Offering professional editing and mixing services from my personal home studio set-up, always ensuring guaranteed on time delivery, high quality and client satisfaction with reasonable pricing.
Get the best trap with JLE.
With over 2 decades of experience in all things music production & mixing. What I bring to the table is a deep understanding of music and songs. I've been signed to Atlantic Records and UMPG, had songs I've worked on climb the charts, get A list syncs and radio play. I've worked up close with multi-grammy winning producers, songwriters and mixers.
I provide quality guitar production. I am looking forward to hearing and collaborating on your music!
Rattle Tech is the most trusted IoT & Mobile Application development company. Our team of experts can help you develop your idea, and architect an innovative solution for your customers. Also, we are well-versed in the latest Mobile, Cloud & Internet of Things technologies, and has delivered many products successfully.
Recent Successes
"Mella has been an absolute pleasure to work with. She is extremely, focused and delivered fantastic sounding vocals. She has sound knowledge of songwriting and created lovely lyrics, a great vocal melody and backing..."
"She really loves music and have a good music ear. She is very helpful and proffesional and Comes with alot Of ideas. Thanks for the good job that you did for us! "
"Brandon was very efficient and quick to respond, adjusted the vocal as I wished with no extra charge and most importantly is a phenomenal singer. I would highly recommend working with him!! "
"This is my second time working with Giancarlo. He is an amazing sound engineer who genuinely cares about what the artist wants and is very collaborative. He will help make your track sound the best it can be. I look f..."
"Excellent as always! "
"Leo is the KING! He's one of those rare talents that have no natural enemies in his field, he is at the top of the food chain. Incredible creativity and know how! This time he delivered a truly magical guitar solo ..."
"Sam is simply fantastic! His tone, his work ethic, his creativity and delivery are all top notch. We work with a lot with singers and he's now the top of the heap. Lots of projects in the pipeline. Amazing!! "