Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with New Mexico Symphony
An Oberlin Conservatory grad, I've toured internationally including twice at Carnegie Hall. I offer string arrangement & production from expansive, heart-throb melodies to virtuosic solos. My work w/ clients has multi-milllion streams and my score for the film "Sun | Sun" won a 2021 Directors Choice. My team includes violin, viola, cello and bass.
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Mastering is the final step before your music is released to the world. I take that very seriously.
Professional Violinist and Pianist with 20+ of experience, and also Composer and Arranger. Based on Buenos Aires, Argentina.
I write the music you have in mind
I can edit and mix your tracks in no time.
Guitarist and Composer for all your creative ventures!
Gate io Referans Kodu
Hello everyone, my name is Capo. I am a producer of urban music such as reggaeton, dancehall and afrobeat. I have collaborated with world-class artists such as Sech, Lalo Ebrat, De La Guetto, among others. If you are looking for a production of reggaeton, dancehall or afrobeat with a high level of quality and flow, contact me.
FAST BOYY, desde Puerto Rico, es un talentoso productor, ingeniero y artista residente en Miami. Trabaja en Audiovision Studios. Fast Boyy ha colaborado con Full Harmony y numerosos artistas de Puerto Rico, Colombia y Chile.
Recent Successes
"I've worked a few times remotely now and most of my experiences have ranged from terrible to just OK. Jennifer is excellent. I would always recommend her; a great voice, lots of talent, an ability to understand the br..."
"Totally blown away by Daramola’s work!! Incredible voice, amazing melodies & super fast turnaround! 10/10, would highly recommend working with him!"
"Vanja always gets the job done and is incredibly professional and easy to work with!"
"Jazz piano at its best!"
"Alex was a team player from the start. He listens to detail so good and he really knows what he's doing welcome to the team dontaskalex. 🔥🔥🔥"
"Absolutely professional. It was a pure pleasure working with you!"
"Thanks, Michelle, for another wonderful Job. Always true. Always timely. Always professional. Will always be my go-to--Thanks again"
"Best make vocalist I have worked with you to this point in my career. Excellent communication, patient, and delivered a stunning product. Cant wait to release our music into the world! 10/10"
"Brandon was positively amazing to work with! He listened to all of my input, told me what inspiration to provide him to guide the melody creation and BOOM he created beautiful music to my lyrics. His melody is origina..."