Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Netflix "Mack & Rita"
I have quite a few TV & Film Credits as well as songwriting credits.
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My name is Zachary Barazowski and I have been working in the industry since 2008 learning about audio engineer more and more everyday! Love working with new people, Love helping you get to where you need to be in the music world with your songs/EPs/Albums! Love what I do!
I am a multi-awarded, multi-platinum Music Producer, Songwriter, Mixing Engineer and former artist from Hungary. Working in the music industry since 1992 in many genres.
Hi, Thanks for stopping by! I'm an ambitious Aussie sound tech, drummer and backline technician for Drums.
He is writer and editor. Justin Busher is from New York. He studies at NYU and work as freelance writer. His areas of interests are photography and sci-fi literature. He likes spend free time playing table games with his sister.
Helping musicians and companies since 1986
Pro Engineer from Argentina. Professional Mixing and Mastering from Nodriza Studio. First-class equipment and plugins to get the perfect mix of your song! More than 10 years of experience working with the most demanding artists!
Best way to get what you want to hear by working with me, I am fluid and very accessible.
I am a skilled Music Producer with a passion for this field. I possess expertise in music composition and production and am fully prepared to create and manage music projects. I work on both personal and commercial music, forging technical connections and delivering top-notch productions. My versatility extends across various music styles, includi
Recent Successes
"Another stellar effort to be sure.. My buddy just keeps coming up with ideas that put my music over the top every time.. Making it hard for me to come up with new things to say.. But the truth is, he's the best!!!"
"Amazing work as always! Very happy to have come in contact with this ma, always a pleasure to do work with him."
"Quincy is a great singer, I send to him a special song need a great voice pop/soul cause song it sounds like "Because Of You" by Ne-Yo he kills the hook, chorus, adlib, and intro. When I and my co-writer listen to him..."
"Shaley's vocals blew me away! She is so very talented and creative.. I was blessed to work with such a professional. I'll definitely use her services again."
"This is actually my second time working with Alex, the first time was a collab with another artist, and he did an amazing job on both songs. He's really easy to work with, understands what you're going for, and delive..."
"Worked fast and the quality pf the tracks showed"
"Fran is an amazing musician and did a great job! I totally recommend him "
"I wish I could write a book about how amazing it has been working with Mike. No one besides him will ever mix any of my music again. Mike was kind in his communication, thorough in his mixing moves and actually brou..."