Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Neon Lemons
Tracking, mix, and mastering engineer specializing in live performance capture.
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Hi, i'm Mikha. 25 y.o Songwriter and Producer from Indonesia I can take your song to the next level Songwriting credits include: TheOvertunes, Raisa, Eva Celia, Nadin Amizah, GAC, Dere I've won a few prestigious awards here, Currenty learning to be a great producer :). And i'm sure i can learn from working with you. instagram.com/mikha97
Music composer & Producer - Audio Engineer, Social Media Addict, Graphic Designer, Guitar Player. Founder of CubeRadio "CRQ".
I make Music from my Laptop. I have releases on Spinnin' Records and have also been featured by MrSuicideSheep, TrapMusicHDTV, Magic Music, etc. I have also been featured by BBCASIANNETWORK as Track of the Week Multiple Times with an Official Add to their Official Playlist.
Norwegian (born 1975) composer/arranger and former Violinst living in Sweden since 2002, composing music for Film/TV and performing arts and writing arrangements for Nordic artists (50+ recordings) and professional orchestras and ensembles (400+ arrangements).
i love writing poetry and making words come alive with feeling.
Hi I have been playing stringed instruments as a hobby for 30 years, including guitar, bass and mandolin. More recently i started using Ableton as a way to capture riffs etc that i made and am now starting to produce my own music at a beginner level. Looking to collaborate with others, experienced or not, on tracks that we can co-release.
I´m an electronic music producer, composer and singer with more than ten years of experience. I´m a filmmaker and digital artist too, so i know how to translate images into sounds and vice versa. I love transforming ideas and emotions into music.
Pro Keys Composer Producer All Styles Manchester UK Easy To Work With
Recent Successes
"Incredibly thorough, suuuper easy and fun to work with. Mix was fantastic. Not all superheroes wear capes - some spend all day slaving over your mix in a dark studio. "
"George has an incredible voice and is an amazing writer. He has great creativity when it comes to writing for your track and I am looking forward to working in the future again!"
"Another great experience! Very timely and professional communication. Gave me options throughout the process that very tastefully done."
"Another project together with Mechi and I'm speechless by the quality she provides. Easy to communicate and works till desired results are achieved. Hard working professional!"
"Working with Geena was an absolute joy. She has a great feel for performance; catching the essence of a song and performing the vocals accordingly with perfect harmonies. Also, she is very kind and easy to work with. ..."
"Anthony is GREAT at his job! He responds quickly, listens to feedback, provides incredible mixes, and does it with such professionalism throughout the process. His vision allows for the heart of the song to shine thro..."
"I can wholeheartedly recommend Sky Garden. His music has the potential to capture the hearts of EDM fans worldwide, and I look forward to future releases and performances. If you're in search of a sonic journey filled..."
"Giuliano was incredible. He was super professional and I found the delivery to be quick. Impeccable quality. I liked the edited versions he made of my audios. It brought brightness and dynamism to my audio. I highly r..."
"Enjoyed working with Bruce. He understood what I needed and delivered some great work. Excellent musician and pro sound you would expect. Bruce provided plenty of takes and communication was great. On top of that a th..."