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Nelson Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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International producer and publisher. Grooving Records (IT)
Toured the world, label deal as an artist, session work as a singer and songwriter! My name is Nyk. Based in Los Angeles, Ca. eager and ready to work on your project.
Record remotely from where you are with world-class, Nashville studio musicians monthly. Full band packages. https://nashvilletracks.com/
Passionate about my quality and wor, fan of all types of music.
I have been doing remote session drumming for over 12 years. I have gained the trust of songwriters around the world. My playing can be heard in movies, television, internet commercials and countless sessions with singer/songwriters. I have a wide array of drums, cymbals, percussion and electronics for you to choose from!
Specialist in making your vocals and music sound crisp and clear and be radio ready in efficient timing. Looking for clients who need the best possible work done on any track.
I compose hard-hitting and smooth instrumentals as well as write and record deeply felt lyrics and melodies. I can make a unique instrumental for singer-songwriters as well as Hip-Hop Artists and as a vocalist, I can bring out the best of any composition.
Grammy Award winning mixer here to help your musical vision become a reality. From production, recording, to mixing we can work together to make your project the best it can be. I have 28 years experience across many genres with award winning artists and Rock n' Roll Hall of Fame members.
Recent Successes
"My experience with Matt was great! He was fast and made my idea come to life. Will definitely be using him again."
"Zack just an amazing dude. He got the vibe I wanted to go for o the first try. And he doesn't stop until you are satisfied with the production; i personally work the same way so it's a good dynamic to strive for the b..."
"Great work! It's always a pleasure working with Leo!"
"Is really a cool guy , and good to work with ! Good producer ! Really got patient to discuss with me ,the stuff is pretty fantastic ! FIVE STARS ✔️"
"One of the most powerful mix&master we can find on soundbetter! Nacor is a go to engineer to get your song ready for the charts. I'll be back"
"Second time working with Rob, he handled the unusual concept and vibe of the track really well and returned a good mix. Much appreciated "
"Shelly is the best in the business. We have worked on quite a few songs together She always gets totally involved - has your best interest at heart and provides the motivation to press on when a dream seems out of ..."
"Great mixing advice and a quality master worth the money!"