Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with NDG
Heyy, this is Thuke here! I'm a 23 years old songwriter/producer from Rome, I work with Universal Music, Sony Music and other labels with national and international releases. I have more than 4 million streams on all my works at the moment. I love helping other people reaching their goals in music and I would like to do the same with you!
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I am a veteran artist who works with people to be their best!
Professional cellist, singer & songwriter. Worked with artists like Michael Bublé, Mister Me, Mono Inc., Epitaph, Tonbandgerät and many more.
I am a craftsman of indie/progressive rock songs with elements of electronica, acoustic instrumentation and electric guitars, inspired by the likes of Grizzly Bear, Radiohead, Blonde Redhead, Bon Iver, Nick Drake, Portishead, Foo Fighters, Soundgarden, Pulp, PJ Harvey, etc. I play a little of everything and would love to collaborate.
I was born to create. Music is my specialty. I've been making music for well over a decade and I've explored and studied a wide variety of genres, artists, producers and engineers. I found my niche in groove music and have lived in service of it ever since. I've released a few projects of my own and produced for others.
VOCALS: Versatile, Vulnerable, Vigorous --- Addicted to capturing/conveying emotion! "Awesome vocalist" -Dave Fortman (Producer: Slipknot, Evanescence, Mudvayne) "Production and performances Sound killer and it is very memorable and catchy. Nice work all around.." -Adam Kasper (Engineer/Producer: Nirvana, Soundgarden, Foo Fighters, Aerosmith)
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Civil engineer and U.S. Navy Veteran with 20+ years experience drumming in live and studio performances. I apply a strong technical background and honest work ethic to the tasks of mixing engineering and music production. My mission is taking your project to the next level and enhancing my client portfolio.
Recent Successes
"I'm very happy with the project Diego was very professional Fast turn around time he can get the job done. Thanks a lot can't wait to work with you again. Spoken . V"
"She is a wonderful very professional and creative singer. This is the second time I've worked with her. I will continue to work with her in the future."
"Maria nailed the lyrics. When I sing it, I can really get myself to feel the lyrics instead of just saying the words. Going to use her in the future"
"Capri did editing, time quantization, vocal tuning, mixing, and mastering for a rap song for me. He got back with a finished master very quickly and did an absolutely amazing job. Couldn't recommend more!"
"Gets the job done easily!"
"If you don`t want to pay 250 $ for a drum track but need a top drummer Jason is the answer "
"All I can say is VLM is the best !!! Hands down no more words just the best. Wes puts the same amount of passion and patience into the records as the artist, then the records come out amazing. I've used them consist..."
"Ziv is simply incredible. He always executes his part with precision and his attention to detail is outstanding. I am always happy to collaborate with him on my projects. Outstanding player and person most of all!"
"Tyree always coming through!!"