Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with NBA 篮球大师
"Award-winning game sound designer and music producer, contributing to top-grossing titles like Blaze of Battle and NBA Basketball Master with high-quality soundscapes and music production."
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I believe in music being a message carrier not an ego booster.
Gold Disc Award Producer, I worked with/I've been supported from Sony Music, Universal Music, Diplo, BBC and many more.
Shameka Marie McDonald is an American singer-songwriter who has worked with artist such as; Teyanna Taylor, Ab Liva, Ant Clemons, Sam Smith & Latto.
Our studio, with over 10 years of experience, specializes in production, mixing, mastering, and recording instruments/vocals. As a producer, our main goal is to make the song shine. We approach arrangement, programming, instrumentation, and sounds with the aim of serving the song as a whole and presenting the artist in the best possible light!
Award winning Producer/Songwriter/Singer/Engineer/President of GRAMMY Board Atlanta.
Get World-Class Pro Audio Recording, Music Mixing And Mastering Without Sacrificing Anything Else! • Record, mix and master your music with a German sound engineer • Bring creativity, precision and detail to your music • Get 3 hours of services for only $150 • Money back guarantee if you're not satisfied
I'm a musician looking for a place in the mixing engineering group.
Myself, Ashwin Bhaskar. I’m a Professional Audio Engineer, singer/songwriter,YouTuber(1.5M) from India.I have done collaborations with Universal Audio, American K Pop star “Alexa” in the past. And also the works I’ve done have caught the attention of international artists like Maroon5, Jonas Brothers, Trevor Daniel etc. Contact me for pro mixes.
Recent Successes
"Mike is a wizard with his craft! Very efficient and hard-working with all my records. I strongly recommend his services if you are looking for a top-notch mixed and mastered record. "
"Very good drummer. And the quickest job ever. In two days, i received everything. Top microphones, a choice of the best drum kits...nothing more to say. Thanks Zak "
"Dave what a genuine guy! Willing to do what it takes to get the job done, period! I especially appreciated his talent, time, and patience. Looking forward to the next one Dave! Will definitely work with you again."
"Very Smart, Patient, and very creative. He anticipated things and captured every single detail. He made my song come alive! "
"This is my second time working with Andres. With other engineers, there have been several requests for changes during mastering work, but I have never requested a change when working with Andres. He clearly understand..."
"Sean is reliable, quick, nice, easy going and the vocals I received were professionally prepared. All perfect and mainly on time as he promissed."
"This dude is the shit. He is able to do any genre I throw at him and make it into what I wanted. He’s a must if you’re looking for consistent bad ass work. "
"Kenny is at the top of the game. He’s super creative, technically strong and really easy to work with. All the things that make creating music fun. "