Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Nawaj Ansari
Industry-standard Hip-Hop beats and mixes. Love to experiment and try new Hip Hop styles, my strength lies in the drums and unique melodies incorporating different instruments. In the mixing stage, my differentiator is that I don't use presets/templates. I create a tailor-made chain for every vocal recording, so I can get the best sound out of it.
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I'v been working as a professional recording and mix engineer in the music industry since 2010. I have extensive experience with high profile clients and plenty of recording studios in New York and LA. I also worked a few years as a on site recording/mixing engineer for RCA & Sony/ATV music publishing in LA. I specialize in Hip-Hop, Pop, Rnb, Edm.
Being as much of a musician as I am an audio engineer, I've got an ear and attitude for excellence. Whether it's songwriting, music mixing, radio broadcast, or live sound, I strive to empower those who I work with by providing them with a sound that far surpasses expectations.
Hello, SHEEN here! I'm a professional singer/songwriter and recording artist based in Kingston, Jamaica. I have spent the last 10 years recording and writing pop, R&B, and Reggae, as well as a variety of different genres. I have been mentored by Grammy Award-winning producer Fernando Garibay, as well as International Grammy-winning Artist Shaggy.
I have been a music producer, mixing and mastering engineer for 5 years. I will professionally mix your track and master it. Let's get to work!
I have been songwriting and recording music for nearly two decades now. I recently started to focus in on electronic/dance pop. I have experience in playing acoustic guitar, drums, and bass. I spent many years singing in a choir and ensembles. Rates are negotiable.
Si lo que buscas es un hit, háblame para que compongamos algo. Me especializo en música urban y pop, pero he trabajado en múltiples estilos, desde Jazz a sinfónica, rock o electrónica debido a mi background en la publicidad. Trabajo rápido y eficiente. Creo maquetas completas y con todas las guías para que sea fácil del ejecutar.
¡Creo éxitos urbanos!, Para Que Las Personas Disfruten Y tengan Un Recuerdo Del Arte Musical.
As a seasoned vocalist with a passion for the extreme, I specialize in delivering guttural, demonic growls and blood-curdling screams that will send shivers down the spine of even the bravest listener. With years of experience in the metal scene, I bring a relentless energy and raw aggression to every performance.
Recent Successes
"It was a pleasure working with Robert. He did a fantastic job at mastering my Piano track and really took into consideration my notes that in a matter of only 2 revisions, got the sound I was looking for. Great com..."
"It was the second time I hired Grégoire's services and again, I am very pleased with the results."
"Shaley once again came through better than expected. She covered all my bases. If you want to score a great recording, I recommend you have her up at bat for your next session."
"Matt is a magician on the mix. He made the track really punchy and gave as much attention to the small details as the main instruments. We ended up going with the first mix he came back with as he nailed it. Very cool..."
"Matt played an amazing string section that elevated my song and was everything I had hoped it would be. It was nothing less than perfect for my song. Always the best! "
"Fantastic to work with Steve. Very communicative, very fast turnaround, and incredible help with my lyrics. He has a subtle way of pinpointing what needs to be revised and tackling it head-on. Always positive and thor..."
"If you're looking for a professional and talented producer, BeatsMadebyFresh is what you need to bring your project to next level. I absolutely loved working with him: he's so talented and professional! I looking forw..."
"Third time with Darell on my "12 songs of Christmas" project. He did a marvellous job on two big band tunes, now a completely different song. A dramatic ballad, "Heart crushing Christmas - the veterans song". Darell..."
"Gabriela is AMAZING!!! Not only does she have the most perfect voice imaginable, she writes beautifully, performs flawlessly, takes direction, and works SUPER hard. With multiple songs on the radio and several that ha..."