Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Navy - Lmk
I'm a multi-talented artist who specializes in producing, singing, songwriting, and rapping. I have a passion for creating high-quality music that resonates with listeners, and I'm excited to offer my services to potential clients like you.
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Providing professional DJ and Audio services for private Gatherings, Ceremonies, Receptions, Cocktails, and Other events. Professional DJ Equipment Rental also available, including Delivery, Setup, and Removal.
Multi-faceted producer and engineer who can take your project from inception to completion.
Head recording/mixing/mastering engineer at Black Diamond Recording Studios in Portland, OR. I work with whatever you want to create. Some credits include Journey, Revolution Saints, Fabolous, Jay Critch, The Decemberists, Nico & Vinz, Wednesday 13, Stixx Taylor.
My speciality is mixing. I know how to make a mix have a kick drum punch straight trough the mix and feel like a powerfull punch. I Do song writing too, aswell as Music Production is something i also am very experienced with. I made several Viral beats for Rappers and Social Influencers. I also do Sound Design for people looking for a new sound
My main goal has always been delivering the best possible quality while creating unique vibes for your song . let's get it touch if you’re ready to work!
I creat new and special lyrics. Pop genre.
Third Perspective is a 18 year old producer from Italy with over 7.5 million streams on Spotify. He was also supported by big names of the EDM scene like Nicky Romero, Angemi, Djs From Mars, Rudeejay and many more…
Hi I´m Alec I´ve been playing guitar for 15 years. I provide quality guitar production, looking forward to collaborate on your music!
Recent Successes
"Hey people! Anthony is a real pro who gave me great results in a few days. Will work again 100%. Thank you again Anthony! Good Luck everybody."
"Gabriele communicated very well with me during this process and made sure I got the sound I was looking for , he made this super easy for me and offered a quick delivery. "
"Absolutely stoked with both the songwriting & the vocal performance from Zachary! Fast turnaround, great communication & very professional. Would definitely recommend, 11/10!"
"Once again Paul has done a fantastic job with my songs. He has a great ear for detail and is a very talented musician/producer. Hopefully I'll be working on more projects with him in the future! THANKS Paul"
"Amelia has the ability to take the bones of a song and just make it so much better with her own ideas and vocal interpretations. She works in a relaxed and professional manner, sticking to the agreed timescales, and i..."
"Dibs is great! He will bring your ideas to life and he will do whatever revisions you need. He is very easy to communicate with and super friendly. Don't hesitate to work with him. "
"Blue Merve is an awesome artist to work with! She is quick both in getting projects completed and in her communication. I have done two projects with her and both have turned out great! I highly recommend her. "
"Too fire 🔥 "
"I've used Michael's talents on my music numerous times and he always surprises with the depth of his creativity and his willingness to go above and beyond to deliver world-class sounds!"