Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Navaan Sandhu
Multi Platinum engineer with over a billion streams
Elevate your music to new heights with the help of top-notch music producers available
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Freelance Music Producer and Sound Engineer. 7 years of experience with mixing, mastering, and production work.
I'm an artist signed to Deepmatter records who's worked with some of the best up and coming musicians and artists in the rising UK jazz/soul/hiphop scene. I've produced multiple projects of my own and helped others to create projects of their own too. You could be next!
I can deliver a wide variety of instruments and genres!
I'm in the business of music production for the past ten years. I'm in my 2nd year of studying Audio Engineering, and my goal is to be a full-time producer. I'm producing mainly Pop, Edm, and sometimes hip hop.
Estamos especializados en todo lo referente a los vales y tarjetas monedero y lo que realmente queremos es que no te sientas confundido por sus cláusulas y sus implicaciones legales.
Hello from France, I'm Joseph Noia, but everyone call me Jo. I started playing guitar when I was 12 and I created my first recording studio in 2005. I worked 8 years for Sony Music France. I have my own professional recording studio and I'm able to produce, arrange, mix or write a song from scratch.
With nearly 2 decades of experience on stage and behind the console, I bring a depth of musicality and technical expertise to your projects. My journey has been one of relentless passion for creating immersive audio landscapes that elevate the artist's vision and make their music stand out against the noise.
Credits: Jotapê, N.I.N.A, MC Luanna, Juyè, PineappleStorm
Recent Successes
"Steve is a pleasure to work with, he is such a nice guy and considering his talents is extremely humble. Can't say enough good things about him, already excited to work with him again. "
"Professional and punctual. Great mastering engineer."
"If you're considering working with Keece, do it! I'm a repeat client and can assure you, it'll be one of the best decisions you've made. We will be recording more songs with her (in fact we have another in her queue t..."
"Khallil is the consummate professional, polite, friendly, considerate and delivers exactly what you ask. His talent is top level and we are very happy to hopefully work with him again."
"Ziv is the greatest person musician friend and bandmate I am lucky enough to work with! He has graced my tracks countless times with acoustic electric and classical guitars as well as some killer bass tones. Keep rock..."
"Never a dull moment with Kate, really rocked this new track we just worked on. Three years working together, at this point i can just hand something off to Kate and she knows what to do. I really cherish this, and i t..."
"Raymond was always so on top of and attentive to my work and my specific, nit picky requests for my song. He was so patient and was able to perfect everything I wished for! "
"I gave Brian a fairly complex project, with real recorded instruments from multiple sessions as well as virtual instruments, and he did an excellent job making everything fit together naturally. Brian has great ears,..."
"Paul is so amazing. He takes extreme care with all music and making sure what you want is perfect. The importance of music in life is so special and his work completely embodies that. I will work with Paul forever. "