Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Natural Born Keller
A friendly, relaxed, and supportive studio environment, where everything revolves around you and your music.
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Professional Audio Production
I’m Dany Catt, a singer, songwriter, dancer, and artist. I’m interested in helping other artists find there mold, creating unique fresh music, and having a good time in the process. Ive been involved in the industry for roughly around 10 + years and would love to collaborate with producers & artists.
Luke Southwell is a producer, recording engineer and mix engineer based in London and the South of England.
Techno & Tech House Producer
Let me help you execute your vision.
This is JtheBOZO's official sound better account!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have been possessed by the sound of the Rock. It is my duty to honor the history of the Rock Gods. I am the chosen one.
Recent Successes
"Abi did a great job re-writing our lyrics. First, she listened very carefully, got into the mood of the song, very patient with a few iterations and re-writes. Great commitment - Abi finished the work despite going th..."
"Excellent with fast turn around. Would not hesitate to use her again!"
"Komet is definitely talented and is excellent in production skills. "
"An extremely gifted musician and a very warm hearted person, which is so important!Because when you send your music to someone,you are sharing something about your deepest, most fragile self.If they see it just as bus..."
"works hard to make things right a true pro and very respectable"
"cool singer and works is always good"
"I knew JT was the right choice to help improve my lyrics. He has a quick turn around, delivered a tailored topline and is very easy to work with !"