Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Nathan Zarowny
From touring as a guitarist with Tupelo Honey and Makeshift Innocence (Forest Blakk) to earning 3 Juno nominations for production work with Shawnee Kish and Nuela Charles, I have almost two decades of experience in both the studio and the stage, giving a unique perspective toward making great music.
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BZ Lewis is a six time Emmy Award® winning composer/producer/engineer. His clients are multiple award winning artists and singer songwriters- due in no small part to his professional approach to mixing and mastering. Yet somehow he manages to have a great time, and he makes people feel at ease while working. And now with Dolby Atmos!
My ears are keen and sharp! I hear everything!!! One ENT doctor told me that if there was to ever be a model for perfection in human hearing that I would be that guy! (True Story!!!)
Hey there!!! I'm Gobby and I'm a Sound Engineer living in Rio de Janeiro/Brasil. Lets Rock!!!
I’m a film audio editor, mixer and restoration engineer at The Criterion Collection and do music composition and mix podcasts at Crooked Media. I specialize in film post audio, dialogue editing and music scoring. Quick turnaround with top quality for podcasts - I helped design best practices for one of the biggest podcast companies in the world.
My name is Andy Dular I'm a professional singer and composer, whit more than 15 years in the music industry, I been working with many international artists like MON LAFERTE and "VICENTICO" making his chorus; I have more than 8 albums recorded and 33.000 listeners on spotify.
Do you find walking yourself in the middle of the night or with a stiff muscle or ache in your neck or back. Then you should consider replacing your pillow mattress with the new ones that can help you to get better sleep.
EDM (Future House/Tech House/Bass House/Deep House) Producer
Connected with life not online
Recent Successes
"Josh is really great to work with. He’s excellent at punching up the sonics of your track without disturbing the vibe. He leaves no footprint except making the song really slamming and clear. He’s got great taste a..."
"Super professional, works really fast, and has some of the catchiest songwriting I've worked with =) *****"
"John is dedicated and full of ressources, imI really recommend him."
"I can not rekommend this guy enough !! The song we did sounds amazing now with Marcellos voice on it! "
"Calvin delivers on all fronts!! Awesome voice, songwriting and super easy to communicate with. Took my track to another league! So if you want a hit record, Calvin is the man! Will definitely work with him again! 5-..."
"Raena's work was quick, accurate and very satisfying. Raena listened to my personal stories a lot in writing lyrics, so I was able to make happy music. If there is another work, I will request it again. Thank..."
"Michael did a great job per usual!!"
"Based on a neo-soul style beat with a bassline and a chord progression I had produced, I got a stellar song back from Justis, who wrote lyrics, verse melody and chorus, and recorded a great-sounding song. Awesome! Wil..."
"Once again, William proved to be fast, attentive, and accommodating. Despite the fact that the material I provided for the recording had some inaccuracies, he managed to deliver a performance incredibly close to the r..."