Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Nate Ellsworth
My name's Chris Chermak (a.k.a. CC Beats) and I'm here to help you make some noise! I'm a firm believer in featuring live instrumentation in music. Adding that human element back in creates one-of-a-kind, hand-crafted listening experiences. Consider hiring me if you're fed up with all the same-soundy records out there.
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Mixed and Mastered more than 2500 song/themes for TV and Films. High level of perfect balanced mix and powerful mastered sound.
I specialize in mixing and beatmaking! I am more than happy to make the exact beat you need for your new song.
Give your ears a break, we'll handle it from here.
Multi-genre and unique Singer & Songwriter with releases on Blanco Y Negro Music. My voice has appeared on Kygo's masterclass 'Monthly' and featured on numerous tracks from artists such as Inpetto and many other producers signed to Universal Music, Sony and Spinnin' records.
Vaelocity (Jeroen Vaelen) is a Belgian artist. It is safe to say that this man is driven by a passion for songwriting, producing, mixing and mastering. He is signed to major labels as One Seven Music (Sony Music) & BIP Records (Universal Publ.) He played at Tomorrowland and gained over 4,000,000 Streams on Spotify.
I can help you in writing lyrics, toplines, or finding your artistic direction by creating your next cover art !
Hey! I'm a producer, writer, and singer that's been working in the music industry since 2016. I write for other artists, my own projects, and some music and songs for TV shows!
Songwriter w/ Multiple Major Label Cuts & 20 million+ streams. Vocals and toplines for major EDM artists such as Andrey Azizoz, Audien, & Nevve. My vocals won't disappoint:)
Recent Successes
"It was a pleasure to work with Yonni. He was very patient in understaning exactly how I wanted my track mixed and was very easy to work. I would definetly recommend him. Til next time. **Cheers**"
"World Class! Get used to seeing me post that phrase every-time Benny touches any song I am working on. I could use any Producer on this site, but Benny is able to take your vision and make it a reality, so I will alwa..."
"I had Markus do some "black metal"-style screams and they sounded amazing! Everything was perfect the first time, and it sounds just as good as what you hear in bands like Enslaved/etc."
"Alex is very easy to work with and she is one of the most talented singers i met in my 30 year career as a music producer.The vocal and lyric quality she delivered was international chart quality. I can highly recom..."
"This Guy gets the job done fast! He also achieves the sound you need in the matter of hours! I would work with him again anytime 10/10."
"Absolutely incredible work for a great price!"
"Killian, as always, KILLED it on the latest track. such a pleasure to work with you. thank you!!!"