Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Natalie Hart
Vibey keys with a jazzy flair and strong compositional angles... specializes in chordal harmony to give tunes an extra punch š
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20 years of writing and counting...Looking for the best ones to sing my songs or to write/compose theirs.
Let's take your music to the next level.
I'm a professional pianist, keyboardist and arranger based in Siracusa, Italy. My background lays mainly in Jazz/R&B styles, although I like to experiment with various genres and different keyboard instruments. I run my own recording studio, where I compose, arrange and record music.
Audio mastering for and by music
Welcome to your visual world, welcome to Studio Lobster. Over thirty years of experience within Graphic Design. I have seen the industry move from the grunge past board graphic theory to hyperreal digital experiences of today.
Years of experience in singing & songwriting, whatever the genre and style I'll merge my skills to your needs to achieve the result you're looking for
Freelance Touring Audio Tech/ A2, Singer, Songwriter, Producer and Guitarist
Recent Successes
"First time I asked for having scores for my piano pieces. Anna did it rather fast and perfect as she do everything. I very much like to have the scores. "
"Avari did an AWESOME job. Very professional and knew exactly how to make it her own. Will def work with again! :)"
"I asked Hugo to record Metallica-esque drums for a song I wrote, and he blew me away with his performance - it sounded like prime Lars playing (but way tighter ;) ) always happy with Hugo';s drums!"
"Have used Justin 3 times thus far and each time has been splendid!"
"Easy to communicate and understand each other, result is very professional! I think I will choose Havoc & Lawn to work together one more time"
"Delivered a banger again !!! Great with multi-genre, love their ideas and their vision for tracks ! Super easy to work with and great attention to details that make the track POP :)"