Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Nat MT
I've worked with homemade rock, pop and punk bands, getting them to sound professionally with basic tools. Currently, I work more on podcasts and video games.
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22 years old dj, producer, pianist, composer, sound engineer, beatmaker from Italy. Soundcloud: soundcloud.com/felisandshaz Latest songs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NoFNsG0sTLI https://open.spotify.com/track/73nIS8jQKakbp6OGFXc7Xl?si=1TVHM8a_Qta8PWeeVP_Azw
I love R&B soul, groovy music..
My name is Pavel. I am a music producer with ten years of experience, ready to make your tracks sound professional. If you need help producing, mixing & mastering, you can always contact me.
I am a versed Music Producer, Mixing Engineer, and Touring Drummer.
An exceptionally awesome producer.
Producer, GhostProducer, Mixing-Mastering
30 years of experience working with great artists.
Recording and Production studio owner and operator in Sydney Australia, offering audio engineering and production services to musicians, artists, and content creators ! We are all about creating great music, good vibes and great energy !
Recent Successes
"this guy is doing a great job..I want to work with you together on many songs. thank you Pablo! I'm glad to meet you."
"Adam is a very talented bass player. He put the necessary groove into our project. I look forward to working together again!"
"Great work once again!!"
"2nd time i have worked with Yaniv:-) im still out of words because of his brilliant Job!! Again: Super Fast, Perfect Work, and even if you cant explain what exactly you want.. he will understand xD Really Nice G..."
"My experience working with Calix has been a pleasure, he is one super gifted musician/vocalist. Calix has a natural ability to express the emotion needed to bring life into a song which takes it up to a whole new leve..."
"Emma did an amazing job on tuning vocals for a track I'm working on. She's kind, professional and has an amazing turn-around. Do you need vocals tuned? Emma is the one to go to! Thanks again! "
"Recomiendo muchísimo trabajar con Pablo, una persona que escucha y comprende y capta la esencia de lo que quieres/buscas. Trabajaré más con él, sin dudarlo."
"It was amazing to work with Yoed, especially for this time as I had a rush and he was able to record in very little time the score ! Thank you so much !"