Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Nanda Gurgel
Ricardo Assunção: The Mixing And Mastering Specialist You Were Looking For.
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You need a great sounding beats, mix and master to be on top of your game and that's exactly what i have to offer.
You want good trombone, right?
Multi-purpose and versatile musician. He can support the harmonic analysis of a song, write arrangements for a band or a brass section. He can play and record professional tracks with classical, acoustic, electric guitar. He can also make interesting tracks with trumpet, ukulele, bass, double bass.
Trumpeter, Soloist, Arranger, in any style. Extremely professional-quality recordings, delivered quickly and edited to perfection. Revisions are always welcome.
I'm a Korean Music Producer
Classically trained but molded by aggressive modern genres, Evan Zegiel is a musical powerhouse. He offers remote mixing services, takes commissions for new musical compositions, and can be heard playing guitar, bass, and tuba on his recent genre-bending album "The Human Element." He also performs regularly on tuba with orchestras in the Midwest.
Recent Successes
"Incredibly quick turnaround and really amazing guitar work. Was super happy with the level of the recordings and the playing was better than I could have expected. Outstanding!"
"I think I've have at least 5 solid albums with all the work almost 20 more songs. I hope he can keep up. "
"JUST AN AMAZING MUSICIAN/PRODUCER! CA really brought my ideas to life and I just can't for things to flourish from this beginning stage. He's is amazing to his gift and craft. I would recommend to others if they want ..."
"Friendly and worked hard on my track. No regrets. 100% happy! "
"Real percussion adds so much warmth and feel to a song. Dave was a pro all the way, making sure I got exactly what I needed. I definitely recommend working with Dave. "
"Very considerate, helpful and talented. He accurately achieved everything I expected from the music, and brought out qualities that surprised me. I highly recommend him to anyone in need of a good mix and master!"
"Taylor is a brilliant artist and most talented producer I've worked with! He has incredible intuition, respects your vision, and adds the special sauce to take your music from good to AMAZING. I'm so thrilled with the..."
"Working with Sabrina was a dream. Great player, high quality recording and very quick turnaround. I highly recommend working with her!"
"My first time working with Amir and it's been awesome! The fastest producer on soundbetter. We already working on more songs because he's that dope! Highly recommend 🙌🏻"
"I worked with Jimmy on three songs after receiving a recommendation for him from another session player on SoundBetter. Jimmy was really great to work with. Great communication with him and he set expectations on how ..."