Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with nanaroku
Hello! im a Mexico based music producer and artist with a focus on emerging underground styles
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Songwriting is an art. The art of transporting the listener to another world through speech. Let me help you bring your audience into your world.
Hey everyone, I run a recording studio out of Pittsburgh, PA. I can handle any mixing or mastering, production, arrangement, or drumming you might need. Let's talk!
Singing and songwriting is my passion and I would love nothing more than to help bring your track to life!
Worked wifh artists like El viajero del cartón, El manin, Blanca Almendrita etc
World touring Female Vocalist specialising in EDM, Pop and Jazz top-lines. A voice that is versatile and adaptable. Experience in performing and recording lead vocals and backing vocals, experience in the studio vocal comping for chart top UK artists. Vocal arranging, writing and recording. Genres: Pop, EDM, Jazz, Musical Theatre, Singer-Songwriter
Your very own experienced audio production team that will make your dream project a reality.
Euphonium and editing music
Recent Successes
"Giancarlo has some of the best ears in the business. He was able to point out a couple 16th note disharmonies in a long run of fast notes between 2 of my parts: something I would likely have never noticed. Giancarlo a..."
"Adrienne is a special talent. You may not find a better flautist. You sure won't find a better one available online."
"Maria created and performed a spectacular, high-energy string suite that completely captured the spirit of an era - just as requested. It's grand. It's confident. It's fast. It's rich. It's powerful. It's masterful..."
"Sent Chad one of my beats and he took the sound to the next level. Fast turnaround!"
"She was great, did all we ask in a timely manner."
"Thank you for your effort. This guy patiently processed all my requests and fixes. I'm glad for the collaboration!"
"Victor is very talented, very current sounding in pop and EDM. Exactly what I need for my song to sound professional. Very easy to work with and is very responsive. I would work with him again."
"Yuri did a very nice job on a background instrumental. He was a pleasure to work with. Norm Zada."
"Maria is the only female vocalist I work with...there isn't anything she can't do with her voice, any style she can't sing or bring life to. It's such a joy to work with someone who understands exactly what you're lo..."