Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Nads
I'm very interested in doing more work as an audio engineer. I graduated from Algonquin College in Music Industry Arts in 2023. I have worked hard on creating personal music such as my EP titled Nads back. Other projects I've done included collaborating with other artists to create our own versions of cover songs.
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I am a predominantly hip-hop sound engineer with over 8 years experience. I have been a member of hip-hop collective 'Golden Age Babies' as an in-house sound engineer for all releases across the label since October 2014 (goldenagebabies.com) but always eager to engineer other artists and styles.
With precision, expression, and warmth, Mandy can make your song unforgettable. From Pop. Disney, Musical Theatre, Children's music, AC, Country and beyond, she has incredible flexibility and control and a 3 octave range.She has performed for audiences all over the world in 22 countries total, including 80+ concerts with Philharmonic orchestras.
I am a specialist in music production, song writing, lyrics writing, and singing.
We are the most prominent ‘one stop shop’ for music production in the industry today. Whether it's writing, production, tracking, editing, mixing, mastering, major label artist features, artist development, or music marketing, I take great pride in having our clientele leave with a finished product that is on par with today's top artists.
Have a computer full of demos that never saw the light? What are you waiting for? Send them over so we can let them shine. With 10 years of experience composing and producing for hip hop, pop, and folk artists, I am able to tailor my approach to suit your unique vision. Let's build something incredible together! James
Looking for a unique and flawless sound to stand out in the music world? Success Beats offers professional mixing and mastering services to elevate your music to the highest quality, along with unique beats that complement and define your style. Success Beats is the ideal partner for both emerging and professional artists.
I'm very interested in doing more work as an audio engineer. I graduated from Algonquin College in Music Industry Arts in 2023. I have worked hard on creating personal music such as my EP titled Nads back. Other projects I've done included collaborating with other artists to create our own versions of cover songs.
Recent Successes
"Yoed. Wow.. Really, most talented guy out there. Good taste. A incredible talent. Will defiantly listen to your track in detail and make the best for everyone. "
"Working with Wes was an absolute pleasure!! If you're hesitant (like i was after seeing all the options on this website) know that working with Wes will elevate your music to the next level - you should definitely cho..."
"Chad is unreal! He delivers the heat, he is affordable, he is patient, he is a great guy, he is extremely talented! I will be working with him again!"
"What can I say, this guy goes above and beyond! Not only did I bombard him with way too many revisions, he is willing to work with you to get the sound and mix you are looking for. Could not recommend him more!"
"Another great mix from Riccardo. I highly recommend him."
"Stephen has great communication and is the hardest working vocalist that you will find. It was great working with him. "
"Simon did an amazing job again and I can’t wait to work with him on the final song on this album! Highly recommend his services!"
"Bram did an absolute amazing job. He brought the track alive in a way I wasn't expecting. I'd highly recommend him and will definitely be sticking with him for future projects!"