Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Nadia Marie
1st 2 hours free! (4 hour mini). Hire me to record, mix or master your music! I work at Diamond Street, a pro studio in Atlanta with boutique gear and treated rooms. My studio partners are Billboard charting and Grammy winning artists, and my specialty is recording independent artists of all genres.
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See this system here? This is Hi-Fi... high fidelity. What that means is that it's the highest quality fidelity.
The fanciest producer in Austin. Quality over quantity. Local acts to Jimmy Kimmel band. Family style atmosphere. Not the "McDonalds" of studios.
Credited on several multi-Platinum albums, specialising in professional results and experimental times in the studio. I'll represent YOUR sound, (just a little tidier) to stand up with commercial releases worldwide.
I’m Music Producer from Punjab, India. I’ve produced many tracks ranging from Trap, Hip hop, Bollywood, Punjabi, Bhangra,etc. i’ve worked with various artists across the world.
My track, "Be Together" has 13.5 million views on original YouTube upload on NCS, and it is used in over 290,000 videos with 1.5 Billion views in total. Be Together has 342,000 Shazams, which makes me the most shazamed Georgian artist.
Mastering & Distribution Professional focused on supporting Independent Artists on their Journey & Strategy
I'm a music producer and songwriter wanting to reach out to others with my stories. I want to help you as an artist/performer to tell your stories in the form of songwriting too.
16 year old composer applying to Juilliard. I compose since I am 6 years old I play a coulple instruments but struggle with lyrics. Currently writting a musical but can't move forward without help for a story and lyrics.
Recent Successes
"Beyond talented & equally as creative as talented, a true professional. "
"This is my 3rd project working with Eric. He always delivers a solid performance on vocals. Such great range and control. Turnaround time for this project was less than 24 hours. I couldn't be more pleased. I will con..."
"Super pro, great attitude, great vibe. Remains humble even with some extremely significant accomplishments. I already admired the guy, now I do even more. Top-quality. "
"Excellent. Extremely responsive, works fast and does a great job. Highly recommend."
"Matt's dedication attention to detail is unbelievable. He made every single track we worked on sound better than I thought they could. He added the polish and depth to my tracks to make them sound truly refined profes..."
"Omo is an awesome talent, very intuitive and gave my music exactly what was needed. I intend to work a lot more in the future with this young professional....I advise anyone needing this type of work to get at him now..."
"It is always a pleasure to work with Rob! He consistently delivers maximum quality results very quickly. I am looking forward to working with him as we finish my album."
"Yoed arranged and recorded another beautiful string section! He's so easy to work with, knows how to accentuate a song and the production is stellar."
"Dave is incredibly nice, he did revisions for my project, exactly in the style I was looking for. Thank you Dave for such an incredible experience! "
"There's a reason so many people keep coming back to work with Matty. This is my third time working with him. He does amazing work and he's a super quick and efficient communicator. Will always recommend"