Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with NABS
I'm known for my soulful voice and catchy melodies.I have my own recording equipment and I can mix and master my own vocals. I'm currently studying songwriting and I've been mentored by some of the best songwriters in the industry.I'm confident that my skills and experience would be a great fit for your next project. Let's make some music!
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More providers:
Junggesellenabschied Nürnberg
Limousine mieten Hamburg
Partybus Stuttgart
Limousine mieten Köln
JGA Bremen - Tipps und Ideen für den Junggesellenabschied in Bremen
Bierbike Düsseldorf - Cooles Partybike für den JGA mieten.
I'm known for my soulful voice and catchy melodies.I have my own recording equipment and I can mix and master my own vocals. I'm currently studying songwriting and I've been mentored by some of the best songwriters in the industry.I'm confident that my skills and experience would be a great fit for your next project. Let's make some music!
Recent Successes
"Chris you are the best!!! With you everything is easy and quick. I can't wait to work with you soon and make a lot of good things together. Kristie"
"Fred went above and beyond, I am so blown away by how great he made my track sound! He is absolutely my new go to guy for mastering, I would highly recommend him and will be bringing all my mastering needs to him in t..."
"Ben is a talented engineer who takes extra time to make sure songs sound high quality."
"Very professional and easy to work with. "
"It was an honour to collaborate with Giulio Rosatelli, and to have him in my new album. Great Composer and unique artist"
"amazing talent and great to work with!"
"Excellent player"
"Itt's been amazing working with Laurel for this project - she is so talented and and plays everything I send her with such skill. and care. It's so lovely to hear my music with her playing the melodies. "