Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with MVB Records
Quality and experienced Production, Mixing, Mastering, Vocal Editing & Production!
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I am the Owner of the Alphawave Records, with over of 10 years experience of Producing & Djing Music. Highly skilled for music production, Mastering & Djing. Releasing tracks on labels like: Primate Recordings, Yin Yang Records, Alphawave Records, Neptuun City, Patterns Records, Adult Records, etc...
My name is Chris "Cuff" Malloy, and I provide original jazz woodwind samples. I specialize in saxophone, flute, and clarinet.
Freelance producer and mixer specialising in heavy-metal, rock and pop. I am also the frontman, co-writter, producer, mixer and organiser for my band Kokorro.
Professional music producer with a very wide range. Electronic music is my specialty, but I can create sounds from genres such as Hip Hop, Trap, Electric Pop, Chill, Lounge Music etc. I love deep piano lines, and good bass, but you tell me the feel you want and we can make it happen. My own projects include XKITX, CBM, and Zen Music for Meditation.
Executive scott is a professional producer ,Artist ,songwriter And A mix engineer
Chaz provides music, art and sound design for independent film. He has participated in the 48hr film races.
I have been a mixing and mastering engineer for almost two years now. I also produce and write Hip Hop/Rap and R&B/Soul, as well as a music artist myself.
Recent Successes
"Jason is a great drummer, he really takes your tracks to the next level. I highly recommend him."
"DaLick was great, he completely got the vibe I was going for and was very patient with me not responding very quickly. He was very prompt and proffesional"
" Nicky is very professional and fast! It was a pleasure working with her"
"The best to work, he is an amazing artist, super fast and understanding, definitely will be working with again."
"Cannot recommend enough! Von is so patient and helpful, walked me through every step, was open to all of my ideas and notes and delivered a dope final result. She has such a keen sense of "vibe" for the track, stylist..."
"Iyes is a very touching person. Very beautiful voice, always happy and available to rework ... More songs to come :-)"
"Angela is not only superbly talented, but also remarkably professional! Her communication through the whole process was a balm to my frazzled nerves, as I had lost contact after a bad cat accident, and had to put the ..."
"Great work, beautiful track, easy to work with"
"Etienne has once again outdone himself for my next single. I can only recommend him for his speed, the quality of the rendering and the quality of our exchanges. My only regret is that I don't have him just for me ..."