Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Murmus
Hello, My name is Valentin Musat Muresanu, I'm 34 years old and I'm a composer/producer/mix-master engineer/guitar player. I have been studying music for 22 years, and I'm a guitar player for the Subcarpati Band and Ioana Band from Romania. Composer for bands, movies, cinematic genre, sound desginer and mix/master engineer.
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My name is Darrel, or aka "WhiteNoiz" in the underground scene. I have spent 15 years producing, and preforming music as more of a hobby. I have produced music for known artist such as T-nutty, and collaborated with member of Bone thug n harmony, as well as worked with their producer "Big Kazz." Most recently an AudioBook. ACX specs met.
If you're looking for someone to make your projects ready for streaming services look no further. I provide professional production, mixing and mastering services to independent artists and distribution companies. My goal is to deliver a great sound in any musical genre. Contact me through the green button above and let's get to work!
EDM producer from the middle of cold cold Norway. Which means in general that I stick to producing tropical inspired music with the intention to bring seductive happy feeling to warm your body and soul.
I'm a hindi song lyrics writer.
Let's take your idea to the next level. Commitment and creativity are the Key facts to deliver the best quality in music. If you look for a Composer, Mastering & Mixing Engieneer, Producer or a Session sax player you came to the right option for you. I have worked with independent artists and directors for the last years.
Acustic Sound Studio has been working for over 20 years in the field of audio recording, mixing, mastering and audio production.
Diligently focused on improving everything I touch, ever day. I only work with artists who are serious about their craft. On time, on budget.
Professional producer, mix engineer and pedal steel player/multi-instrumentalist, open to all genres of music; let's make your record really shine! I'm a nationally touring pedal steel player and because I just simply can't get enough music in my life, I spend the other half of my time producing and mixing records in my hometown, Asheville, NC.
Recent Successes
"5 star quality . their work quality and ethics is 100% proffesional with communication every step of the way. Are you looking for crystal clean radio quality banging track or someone to bring your track alive ESOF REC..."
"This is my second time working with MariaGrig. She is the best! She delivered beautifully recorded violin and viola parts right on time (using both a ribbon and condenser mic for mixing optionality). For this project..."
"Marcelo really listened to my piece then contributed greatly to the finished song . He is a genuine, professional artist . It was the ideal experience."
"I really enjoyed working with Meryssoul. Very good communication between us. I hope we do others songs in the future. Her voice is so smooth. I highly recommend her ."
"Have been working through an album's worth of drum and percussion tracks with Tony over the past year, and he never fails to deliver. Always full of great rhythmic ideas, bold or subtle as the song requires with a fre..."
"Catchy voice, lovely work and just an awesome workflow! Also he does an awesome mixing job for the vocals, so I def can recommend to work with him. :) Stay tuned!"
"Joe has been very understanding, kind, professional and patient. He asked for many details about my song to understand the vision of how my music should be mastered. I really enjoyed this communication and the final r..."
"Very satisfied with Rob’s work! Quick responding time, easy to communicate with, and delivered a great mix and master! He also has some great ears that really got the best out of our song. A pleasure to work with him!"
"I've worked with Martin on several projects and could only envisage entrusting him with creating the animation for my single - 'Someone Only Meant for Me.' This tune has a Samba groove and captures the essence of Pari..."
"It was great working with Felipe, very professional and effective. Definitely I’d work with him again "