Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Mrokas
Hip-Hop / Techno music producer, DJ, Video producer and sound designer. I’ve made beats for Polish Artists like: Peja, ERO, PiH, Słoń, WSRH, Hemp Gru, Sheller and more.
More providers:
Night Sky Sound was featured in MIX® Magazine's Class of 2009 and has a 20 year legacy on both coasts. Owner/producer Steve Donato has created a unique recording environment with hand selected mics, outboard gear and one of the most comprehensive vintage synth collections found anywhere. Come and track under the stars!
Production Company
Starting age 14 I learned playing bass via my elder brother and some friends. Age 18 started at the Lindenberg Music School with jazz guitar, age 20 took bass lessons with international acclaimed bassplayer, age 33 had my own Amsterdam jam session.
Young producer, 4 years of producing home and 1 year professionaly.
Producer, topliner, and lyricist who plays well with others and writes all kinds of pop music.
I strive for greatness and I expect to do the same for anyone that’s working towards a dream. Let me be your songwriter
Productor, compositor, cantante e ingeniero en mezcla
Intellectuals Zone has some of the most highly-rated and experienced editors in its team. We guarantee nothing misses their trained eye.
Recent Successes
"This was my first time sending someone to master my tracks. I was so skeptical at first.I was i relieved when Austin sent the first draft so quickly!! He is such a master at his craft and i can't thank him enough for ..."
"Mariami did an amazing job writing the lyrics for the song I was looking for. She took her time and the quality of work was great! She has great talent. I will definitely use her again! :)"
"Brndn was very professional and captured everything I was looking for in quick turnaround. Great job and highly recommended. "
"He listened to all my critiques and responds really fast! Second time working with him and I'd do it again."
"Crushes every project we work on together. The man is amazing."
"Gekko is by far one of the best at understanding and capturing the music I hear in my mind. Excellent communication and flawless at what he does!"
"Second project with Aaron and the result has been stellar. He gave me some feedback after my first project that's helped my workflow this time around and enhanced the end result. Legend."