Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Mowhoa
All your label needs in one place, without the label. I studied at Los Angeles Film School on sunset blvd. I do all my own videos, Marketing, Mix & Mastering, Artwork, Business Ventures, Collect revenue from streams, Organize Nationwide Tours and much more. I know the way. Tap In & Win.
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I am a singer & songwriter who takes experiences and make it into a work of art, envisioned a dream world constructed out of positivity, empathy and love, manufactured melancholy, and genuine glamour, and then he came to embody this fantasy.
I am a young aspiring audio engineer from Suitland, MD who specializes in Recording, Mixing all other audio needs you might have for an affordable price.
Leo1Bee, independent recording artist, songwriter, and producer from Beijing.
we are a work team specialized in music production/mix/mastering and in sound for audiovisual media.
Notre équipe vous accueille dans un lieu spacieux, situé à Pontoise, ville historiquement artistique. Notre expérience vous permettra de réaliser toutes vos productions musicales et audiovisuelles à un tarif avantageux, dans un cadre chaleureux.
All your label needs in one place, without the label. I studied at Los Angeles Film School on sunset blvd. I do all my own videos, Marketing, Mix & Mastering, Artwork, Business Ventures, Collect revenue from streams, Organize Nationwide Tours and much more. I know the way. Tap In & Win.
Boss Musyk Records, A young, creative and vibrant music Mixing and Mastering engineer that will deliver.
Fast, loud and punchy mixes and masters ! Send me your tracks and I'll be sure to make them sound as good as possible while retaining your original vision.
Recent Successes
"Quick and great sound"
"Amazing mastering job! Austin is a top class engineer! Track has great dynamics, balance, etc... I can really recommend Austin! "
"William is super talaented and was extremely easy to work with. Communication was on point and he was very professional throughout the whole process. Highly recommend. "
"Brandon did a great job for us on a recent country pop project. I knew he had a wonderful voice just by listening to some of his recent material. It was a pleasant surprise to realize he also has total control over th..."
"Great mix job from Oscar. My song was overly complex and I had lots of notes for him to work around, and he did a fantastic job despite all that. I highly recommend Oscar!"
"Austin did a mastering for my Progressive House track. He put the song on higher level. I compared the master with artists like Anyma and Artbat and I can say there is no difference in loudness, brightness and qualit..."
"UNREAL!! Z just went full on BEAST MODE for this mix of Still Alive!! Ziv’s use of panning, volume, and effects add an entire new realm!! So f’n cool and I’m so f’n proud to be apart of it! HELL YAEHHHH, let’s kee..."