Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Morning Lights
Hey, I'm Kevin and I'm a session drummer, producer, and multi-instrumentalist and I'd love to play on your song!
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A keyboard player, musician, singer, songwriter, and mixing engineer with an excellent ear, and a wonderful appreciation of a wide range of genres. Excels at Live Mixing, Studio Production and Mastering
I specialize in writing melody based Hip-hop and R&B songs for upcoming artist.
Headphones Recommended Always
I'm a diverse dedicated music producer, I've worked with Internationally with Artist such as Tempa T, Twigy, Zorro, Santana Fox, and many More.
RIAA 3x Platinum Producer and Songwriter for Drake, Fall Out Boy, Jessie Reyez and more. I specialize in bringing honesty to music. Bringing the right emotional state to the music and the know how for each genre is what makes me a unique prospect in the industry. Click the "Contact" button and let's Produce/Write your project!!
GRAMMY Award winning artist and producer. Professional session singer and songwriter.
I transform your tracks into professional studio-quality sonic masterpieces, all with just one click! Experience a unique and distinct sound that will make your music stand out, right from the comfort of your home.
Make your recordings cozy and warm.
Recent Successes
"This was my second time, working with ESOF Records. Took almost half the time. Marco is very good at understanding individual tastes and remember them. Also communication is never a problem, thanks to his patience, ..."
"Working with Maria Z was an amazing experience! The synergy was so good, warm communication, efficient turn-around time, stunning vocals and vocal arrangements, a very emotive delivery, and I felt like we had a cre..."
"Ben mastered my EP and made the process a blast. He constantly sent different versions of mastered tracks for comparison, and gave the music an all new attack."
"Chris makes miracles... impossible to find a better vocal producer. "
"Thanks you are a great master of your craft Will be back again for more projects Andres Always respond back no matter how busy He gets might take some time but definitely will respond back positively… Cheers 🥂 "
"First time mixing a song. My experience with Bounceville Studio Works was excellent. Very attentive to my comments and responded rapidly with new versions of the mix. Explained to me the issues found in my stems and f..."
"Undy is very talented vocalist and songwriter. Easy to work with, communicated often and delivered amazing vocals! Would absolutely hire her again!"
"Amazing sound with great sense and I'm very satisfied with the mixing!! And it was quick delivery and good communication. I'm really recommend Tyree!!"
"It's always a pleasure to work with Eileen! She wrote the vocals, found a melody and recorded it. Again, I am thrilled with her work. "
"Fantastic mastering and fast turnaround!"