Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Monta Records
Clients released on DeadBeats, Wakaan, DIM MAK, Lowly, Circus, UKF, House Call Records, Sable Valley, Dharma & many more.
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The Transcend Music Studio is part of the Mynol musical project. Located in the hills of eastern Antióquia, the studio is a mark in the advance and development of musical production in underground house and techno.
Finishing Records for Talented Music-Makers Top 1% of mastering engineers worldwide (MUSO.AI Charts), Apple Digital Masters certified provider, 12 million streams across Spotify and YouTube.
I'm a producer, DJ, beat-maker, recording and mastering engineer for over 33 years. I've produced over 100 titles on seminal New York House and Electronic labels throughout the 1990s and early 2000s. These days I create under 'Son Of Sound'. As a producer I'm well versed in both contemporary and classic styles of Hip Hop, Pop, House and Indie.
Responsible for working on a range of projects as a freelance web developer, designing appealing websites and interacting on a daily basis with graphic designers, back-end developers, and marketers.
Professional Rock Mix Engineer/Live drum Tracks
I'm a Music Composer and a Sound Engineer with Communication and Marketing Skills based in Douala (Cameroon, Central Africa). I worked with few loacal artistes that appreciated my job, and now i think it's time to show the rest of the globe what i can bring to the table when it comes to creating and mixing sound projects.
Hi! My music has been streamed by millions across the globe through advertisements and standalone conpositions. Let me craft an awesome score for your advertisemnt, podcast, tv show or film!
Composition and production of music for more than 20 musical theater works. Recording of an album with the Peerles label. Creation of more than 50 jingles for cinema and TV
Recent Successes
"I was quite impressed with how he captured the feeling of the song. It fits so perfectly. He was patient and trustworthy as well, which was much appreciated. I can't wait to show off the final product of the whole cr..."
"This is the second time using Shrai to help produce my tracks. His services are amazing and no matter what I requested he would always deliver beyond my expectations. I love working with him and will continue to in th..."
"Still the same huge pleasure to collaborate with Amélie G ! She is an amazing drummer with many ideas, being able to match and enhance your style. And always opened to your comments until your are fully satisfied...."
"Loe is the man! We just wrapped up our second song together and I couldn't be happier. I started off with one single and now I'm doing a whole EP with him haha. I feel like I struck gold!!"
"Brilliant producer, I think this is the best work somebodies has ever done for me. Mastercraft this N3dek guy, well recommended. Can´t wait for the next gig. A real production wizzard!"
"I go back to Austin time and time again--which I think is the best testament to how elated I've always been with his work. He's a top notch musician, producer, mixer, etc. But beyond that he has always been patient an..."
"Nice work as always, Fabio is multi-talented & versatile collaborator with hitmaker potential, he can fix, finish, restructure, remix, sing, mix, master and even came up with an opportunity with an artist for one of m..."