Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Mob World
I’ve been writing & releasing rap songs for 7 years and dabbling into RnB for the last year
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Hey! I'm LibraClassic! What can I do for you?
Oklahoma City recording engineer and producer, looking for jobs!!!!
I am a young up and coming audio engineer born and raised in Hawaii (the island Oahu).
I'm a producer & beat creator from Amsterdam, The Netherlands. I have done multiple big pop productions as well as beats for rappers and other artists.
I'm a producer specializing in Electronic, Pop, EDM, K-pop, hip-hop.I can make from soft, warm and emotional songs to hard, cool and powerful songs. Also, I can offer professional Production, Mixing and Mastering. I work closely with my clients to meet their every need.
A spanish singer and songwriter.
Multi-skilled singer/songwriter. Here to deliver the best possible work just for you!
Recent Successes
"I booked Junior for vocals on a Song and it just turned out brilliant! He delivered a solid vocal performance and I couldn't be happier! His voice is amazing...great tone, professional recording and most important..."
"Naomi Wild is a top of the line vocalist. She is truly gifted and it is an honor to be able to work with her. If you're looking for a vocalist, look no further, because Naomi delivers with excellence and style. Thank..."
"Second time working with Courtney, results never fail to impress. Total pro."
"This was my second time working with Alex, he really knows how to deliver amazing bass lines and definitely gets the job done well and FAST! He’s very versatile and I highly recommend him for your projects again and a..."
"Working with Rohan was such a smooth experience. He was so patient & understanding with each revision & I learnt a lot from having worked with him on just this 1 song. His professionalism really impressed me & made m..."
"amazing !! Bram is a very professional person and he is very attentive, it was a pleasure to have worked with. My sound has become really sick, thanks again for the quality"
"Ben is an exceptional bassist whose talent and professionalism are truly remarkable. His creative basslines perfectly complemented our track, adding depth and complexity with a groove. The recording quality was impecc..."
"Superb job executing my vision!!! Would definitely work with her again! Highly recommend and her voice is top-notch!"
"Great rock mix!!!!!!!!!!"