Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Młody klakson
We'll help you on every step towards finishing your track: production, lyrics, arrangement, recording, mixing, and mastering. Located in Warsaw, Poland.
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My name is Tom and I've recently finished my undergraduate in Music and Sound Production Technology at Bournemouth University with a 2i. I'm now looking to start my career in the industry and am willing to get involved in any capacity I can find, obviously music is my first choice but I see myself extending my skills to all sort of different areas.
productor y artista
One of the most respected young producers in Brazilian trap music. More than 2 million plays on spotify, worked with the best rap artists in Brazil. Free Unlimited Revisions
The Ultimate Instrumental Maker, Music Producer, EDM (Most Categories)
Produção musical, mixagem e masterização de qualidade e com experiência a um preço acessível ! Hammerfive (Produtor, Mixagem, Masterização) Olá, sou Arilson barros (Hammerfive) e trabalho na área há muitos anos,Ansioso para ouvir e trabalhar com você! Gostaria de ajudar voçê. Entre em contato comigo. arilson.barros@yahoo.com.br
People generally hire me to; make organic electronic sounds, to bring something different to the song/cue, to bring life to existing loops and samples, to come up with an approach that’s unique. I compose, produce and have released 23 solo records, so I bring all that to creating drum and percussion tracks. IG @quinnmusician
I am a traditional country singer and would love to sing your song
TURN YOUR VISIONS INTO CHART-TOPPING HITS! I’m a seasoned producer and mixing engineer from Mexico with over 10 years of experience and tracks that have garnered millions of streams. If you’re seeking a cutting-edge 2024 sound, I’m here to deliver.
Recent Successes
"Brandon was amazing! I knew when my husband heard the song and said his hair stood up that it was a success! Brandon was kind, professional, thorough, and timely. I would recommend him to anyone! He brought this story..."
"I loved to work with Jessie. A really really brilliant and versatile voice. Very friendly, nice communication, easy to work with..."
"Rudi was very professional and addressed my request. I was impressed with the quality of the mix. I almost fell off of my chair when I heard the master; Huge sound, well balanced, saturated in just the right way, ..."
"Nacho did over 50 tracks mastering for my Label, and we will work together again more. very good art and sound quality from Nacho"
"Man, MY BOY ALWAYS DELIVERS! I really can't say anything other than I appreciate you bro and it's ALWAYS a pleasure! DO NOT hesitate to work with Joey, he'll definitely get you taken care of 🙏🏾 GUARANTEED!"
"Eyal came through and brought out the big guns on our banging rock anthem. This song hits 100 MPH from the get-go and doesn't let up. Eyal delivered a stellar performance that grooves hard and even introduces some fun..."
"I had an amazing experience working with Pablo. He has a clear vision and the knowledge the pursuit it till the last detail. SUPER recommended."
"Hugo is an amazing musician to work with. Not only are his chops incredible, he is also great to work with. He always goes the extra mile, contributing multiple takes and interesting ideas. Thanks a million Hugo! A pl..."
"Ramiro is so creative, prompt and easy to work with. Can’t wait for our next song x "