Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Mkey254
I let the music guide me, it is like a puzzle that one will have to figure out in the moment.
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I'm a mixing and mastering engineer, bringing your ideas (and multitrack sessions) to what you had in mind. I am extremely flexible, willing to work with you, and re-mix the session until you are happy with the result. I love music for the love of music, so if you don't have the funds, I can accommodate.
Hey! I’m a music producer from The Netherlands and you might have heard my ‘Butterflyz’ remix for Alicia Keys or my first online single ‘Jungle‘ in 1998.
3D audio mixes. From Dolby Digital© (5.1), binaural Headphone 3D, to Dolby Atmos©, to 11.1 immersive soundexperiences. Stem-mastering Online- (Remote-) Recording and -Directing
A fresh sound for your fresh flow. Straight from "in-the-box". A modern twist on the way we mix; I do all of my mixing right in my laptop, and besides some studio monitors, have opted to maintain a "no gear, no clutter" mixing studio.
Roman Matovsky is a trailblazing musical artist and multi-talented creative, whose music, acting, writing, and app development have captivated audiences worldwide.
I'm a new musician who wants to share my best voice shout out
Producer, beatmaker, Engineer and multi-instrumentalist with over 5years of experience.
With over 6 years of experience in production, I have been able to travel all over the country playing out my music at some of the biggest festivals and clubs in the nation. I can help you achieve a sound that is club and label ready!
Recent Successes
"Peter is very passionate about what he does and takes time to make the best decisions for the record. Great experience. "
"Chad was amazing, transforming my bedroom demos for a new album into singles with one try. Really impressed by his professionalism and great communication throughout this process and highly recommend him for any guita..."
"Great work, I was so happy to work with Myah. I will definitely work again with so talented artist :) "
"I love working with Hope- she always exceeds my expectations with the quality of her work and overall professionalism. She's my go to producer and mixing engineer and I highly recommend working with her. "
"Bravo! A great brilliant, talented artist. I appreciated his willingness to satisfy my requests and even more than this. He hit the target. It amazed me. I could not imagine such a high level. Great job! I high..."
"Long time client of LC - absolute top notch engineer, musician and producer, we love just sending him stuff and letting him working his genius magic!"
"T. Row is a gift. Great communication and A1 service beautiful quality and sportsmanship. I can ensure you this is whom you’d look back on the future and will have awards with and shall not regret collaborating with. 👍"