Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with MIXIFEY
Mixing and Mastering
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Christian “_bayland” Baylon is an American record producer and recording engineer, best known for his love of coffee and fascination of the arts.
I want to add feeling and performance to your project and make it sparkle! This is my full-time profession for years and I do it well. Singing in the studio is different than live singing! I'm experienced and know how to bring a song alive in a recording. *I WILL DO MY BEST TO WORK WITH YOUR BUDGET.*
I make clean, catchy, crisp, and sparkling music.
I am Vincent Sciabica Jr. AKA Vinny Joe of HPFX & Feli's Dream (Homemade labels)
I'm a professional sax/woodwinds specialist with a degree in saxophone performance. I have 7 years of professional experience playing in all genres and formats imaginable - from bierhauses to bar mitzvahs to amphitheaters, most notably Lincoln Center's Damrosch stage.
Listed in Wikipedia's soprano sax page as a notable player, Sarah has won “Instrumentalist of the Year” at the British Blues Awards and her most recent album was placed in the top 20 albums of 2021 by the highly acclaimed Music News Magazine.
Back in action - I'm a story-teller, here to transform your ideas into the perfect song! My credits include multi-million streamed songs with artists from all over the world, with labels such as Sony, Universal, and Capitol.
Send me your track, lyrics, and melody and I will sing and/or produce your hit song!
Recent Successes
"Masoud B. Anthony just mixed a song for me that was not easy to mix since the live drum tracks weren't that great. In the final mix, they probably sound better than any live drums I worked on before. What at great ..."
"This was my second time working with Coko and once again she did an incredible job singing this song! I love her voice and her professionalism! I would highly recommend Coko for your project! I definitely plan on work..."
"B4 is knowledgeable, talented and cared about my project. I'll, no doubt, be back for future mixes "
"Brought our track to a different dimension, so much soul in this guys voice. You wont regret hiring him :)"
"The latest job with Benjamin was a 2 part horn arrangement for tenor sax and trumpet and it blended tightly in my song . He also did the arrangement and provided me with 2 versions to choose from ... Very helpful !"
"Easy to work with, very communicative!"
"Top Quality Service. even if this sounds cheesy it is actually True. Professionalism at it's Best. Thank you Calix"
"Hannes is a true Pro in every way! Playing, sound, and communication are top notch! You will be more than happy to be working with such a talented musician who cares about your music and delivers the quality to take i..."
"Great work as always by Andres. He works with you to get you what you need in a timely manner. I also love how I can send him a reference track I like and he can use it to make your master very similar. "