Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Mistaken For Sages
Do you want your song to sound professional, full, and clear? Are you frustrated with mixing songs on your own, and want a fresh set of ears, working to your specifications? Do you need electric guitar to bring life and energy to a track? We can help!
More providers:
Josh Watkins, a mix engineer based in the west midlands, England. I strive for a perfect sound for the client and I'm dedicated to try and get the best sound possible from your music.
Toronto based, recording, mixing and post-production engineer with over 15 years experience in a fast-paced, detail orientated professional commercial environment.
I will smash your song, hook or jingle with killer vocals!
A little sauce from Brazil in your mix!
It just makes sense.
Arranger, multi-instrumentalist and mix engineer based in the Pacific Northwest.
Here to create professional and authentic mixes!
Mixing & Mastering Engineer. EDM Producer & DJ
Recent Successes
"Mickey is the best!! love to work with her!!!!"
"Quick and immediately made me feel comfortable will all my requests and was delivered a great final product! Multiple changes later and he still wanted to make sure I was happy!"
"It was an absolute pleasure to work with Brandon. He is very professional, organized, and got the job done in the time that I needed. Would definitely do another track with him in the future!"
"Camilo has driven my mixes into a higher level. The last track that we worked together he gave power to the music without losing the consistency of the record within the songs that were already mastered by him in the ..."
"Absolutely fantastic end result - exactly what I was hoping for. In addition to that, Shelley was pleasant and easy to work with. Her voice is unlike anyone else I've found, and her harmonies and vocal arrangements ..."
"What a nice surprise!!! I’m recording an album with my usual gang, but I had this song that I felt required a female voice and something different. Ivana has delivered beyond expectations. Her special voice brings ch..."
"I've been working with Daryl consistently now for 3 tracks and plan on continuing. The communication has been amazing and I really value our working relationship. He is prompt and always goes the extra mile. Please st..."
"Lydia is such an amazing talent!!! She is so professional, and her quality of work is second to none! You are in good hands when she works on your music! She is the best!"
"So a talented, great piano player and composer. I gave Suwon a difficult job, and she did it perfectly. Will use Suwon again."
"Another great job with John! Always gives the song what it needs but isn't afraid to experiment with out of the box ideas that can be magic too!"
"Tariqh Akoni is the best! Always professional, easy to work with and best of all, the musicality of this man is first class! Any time I work with Tariqh, I know that my music will always come back better than when I s..."