Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with mis amigas fuman todas
Hi! In my 7 years of experience I worked with Rosalía, El Guincho, on mainstream TV Shows and Films for Netflix and Apple, as well as a wide range of local artists. Expert in production, sound design, and songwriting. I can record toplines, produce beats, or add sounds (vocals stacks, guitar, bass, synth). Let's work together! ENG/ES/IT/CAT
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Mez’Rab is a 30-years-old music producer, audio engineer, and software engineer who was born and raised in Tehran. He has collaborated with top influential Persian Hip-Hop artists like REZ, Ali Sorena, Bahram, and ... as a music producer and audio engineer since 2008.
Name is Freddy, currently living in Brunswick, GA and 22 years of age.
Hello my name is Julinho i´m a Brazilian music producer, multi-instrumentalist and sound engineer with many years of experience and have recorded mixed and mastered thousands of musicians ranging from all genres of music but especially Brazilian and Latin music. I play piano, bass, guitar and have access to great Brazilian musicians.
Innovation in digital mastering for electronic music.
From ambient to classical to symphonic heavy metal, her experience is global in scope!
Live Rolet Indonesia Uang Asli
Nawtyway's mixes have debuted on platforms such as ESPN, VH1, UFC & more.
Welcome to 2nd Ave Studios, where we bring your music to life with top-notch audio engineering and mastering services.
Recent Successes
"If you search someone talented and someone very keen. So you must contacted Jazzi, she is the one wath will you need. All Projects you must need (singer-songwriter-top line writer) She can do it. 4nd job compled..."
"Steph is really talented singer! I can't pick up any words what he's done for me, it is absolutley dope! I'm so excited to work with him, i've been waiting this moment for a few month. God sent him to make our lives m..."
"Ryan was great! An incredibly quick turnaround time, and plenty of parts to pick and choose from. Quality was fantastic, communication was stellar. Can't wait for the next one!"
"Where do I start? What an absolute pleasure it was to work with Ben. Right off the bat in our first conversation I felt his compassion and eagerness to learn more about my background/story and my influences. Every s..."
"Amazing as always! SO professional!"
"easy to work with + good quality"
"I had an excellent experience with Yuuki. He seemed to easily approach the mix with a deep understanding of my artistic vision, and was able to deliver a distinctive and effective finished product that I don't think I..."