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Minto NSW 2566 Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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My name is Charles Laurier, owner of Chaosphere Audio. I work from my home studio near Montreal, Canada. I studied audio technologies and techniques at Vanier College.
Hello, my name is Stavros and I am a music producer, songwriter, classically trained pianist, multi-instrumentalist and aspiring artist.
A Songwriter, lyrics translator, and interpretations maker in English-Arabic-Hebrew. I also offer song improvements and editing. I welcome you to send your idea in these languages and together we'll figure the right lyrics for your song; with the right rhythm and 'feeling' to them. The songs I finish usually have a poetic attitude in them.
I'm a songwriter, producer, and multi-instrumentalist (especially guitar & piano). Lucky to have toured the world with pop artists and extremely grateful to work in music here in LA. Can produce anything you'd like, track anything you'd like, or write anything you'd like from my home studio. Would love to work with you!
I can do lots of things, but shhh I did not say anything! send me a message, for any desire of instrumental all styles combined, remixing of your tracks, synthesizer loop etc .......
Don't let academic stress get to you. You can rely on LearnersLeague. Hire an editor of your choice by paying a little more. Our editors prioritize your work, keep you updated and share drafts before the final submission.
I'm a musician and sound designer based in Milan. I play as a guitarist since the age of 6 and i'm currently touring italy in major festivals with pop Italian Artists.
Signed to 29 Global Public. Mixed and mastered over 500 english and German rap songs of all kinds. Worked on rock, pop and house as well.
Recent Successes
"Working with Tyree was an overall good experience, Great and fast communication, greeat results.."
"Talented, professional and delivers a high quality product!"
"An amazing producer and writer! Really understood what I was looking for and brought an incredible track to life. Super wonderful and professional to work with, highly recommend! "
"Luke did an absolutely amazing job with writing and performing a bass part for my song. Luke is a bass player that you can trust will always serve the song and put his best foot forward. He is an incredible bassist, a..."
"My experience with Ilia is simply wonderful. A true professional, he plays the duduk beautifully and with a lot of heart. If you are looking for a duduk player he maybe is who you are looking for, very attentive and..."
"It was such a pleasure working with a talented professional songwriter such as Jimmy! His vocals and lyrics are on point and we created amazing music together. I highly recommend Jimmy if you are looking for professio..."
"I came to Elliot as a previous customer and asked if he could help me quickly master a 20-track album - he knocked it out with high quality in 2 days. Pretty legendary turnaround if you ask me. Definitely work with El..."
"Love this dudes drumming. Great feel , Great sounds , Great groove. I was smiling the whole time listening to the drum tracks Alex laid down. Just solid for days. This is another go to for me."