Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with minno
emo dance music producer w/releases on bitbird & NIGHTMODE. here to help your music sound as beautiful as possible.
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Do you want to be able to compete with the sound quality of industry songs? Are you looking for a beat/instrumental that suits your vocal style? Or do you just need a DJ to rock your next social event? If the answer to any of these questions is "YES", then look no further.
I'm a session vocalist & songwriter/cowriter. I've sung on rock/pop/jazz records, commercials, TV shows and much more. 35 years of songwriting experience and full time music artist. Available for hire to write, record lead vocals and/or harmonies. (vocal tuning and comping included)
Meg & Ron - the core of 'Better BGs'. While others specialize on lead vocals, we specialize in quality background vocal arrangements by setting a counter stage to the lead vocals, helping to build them, letting them shine through.
Worldwide. google.com/search?q=kengkc+kc&sxsrf=AOaemvItKGxhROR18EY6sh-eLEWEX8emmg:1636987234485&ei=YnGSYfeBHY3B3LUPqpGDkAY&start=0&sa=N&ved=2ahU
Vocal tightness is one of the most essential elements in making a production sound professional. As a singer, I know how picky we are about our own tracks as I've spent countless hours over the last 5 years tuning my voice and that of others, while retaining the human authenticity. I'm here to help you reach that radio-ready sound in your head.
Hi. I'm a drummer and a producer, I work with an X-Factor Italia artist (Ambramarie) and I'm a session in a recording studio.
Creatively empowering you as a singer/songwriter with professional lyrics
Nivito FR
Recent Successes
"Nikki has been a godsend to our project — in retrospect I’m certain it wouldn’t have turned out nearly as great or professional! She is a remarkable artist and easy to work with!"
"The project I hired Maddy was to come up with a pop song based on a specific concept. At this stage, production was not a concern. The key elements were the concept and the hook (and considering 2 or more voices). M..."
"Great producer. Was very patient and helpful and SUPER FAST with revisions. Will be back!"
"Love his work! Very professional."
"Jessie is a true professional she is very talented and patient and has NO attitude ...unbelievable.. I knew she was right for my two songs after all as stated in her profile she started singing in a Church..game over...."
"Excellent communication, killer track and just amazing production. Thank you Philip, we are coming back for more. Highly recommend this gentleman of electronica."