Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with MILLA
Experienced Session Drummer from Berlin providing high quality remote drum recordings.
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Im Millaboi Ceo of Trashlife Productions Llc.
Top Credit: Mastodon - Blood Mountain (pre-production)
Just nominated for a Grammy on Los Texmaniacs album. I love soundtrack and song work. Love playing on Culturally Diverse Projects and Songwriter Stuff. I supply 3 tracks to choose from pads and textures, counterpoint rhythm stuff. Love collaborating with creative people.
SCMA Award winning multi instrumentalist
With multiple songs charting high on the Australian ARIA Club Charts and with production, mixing and mastering credits on the Shannon Noll & Sunset Bros. "What About Me" release and mixing and mastering credits on "Tarantella" by Joel Fletcher, Orkestrated and Sooshi Mango, Dominik is quickly becoming the first point of call for each new client.
I will play real vintage Hammond Organ, Rhodes, Clavinet and other vintage or modern keyboards, All Genres
I started as a musician, did hundreds of live concerts between Italy, Europe, United States. I studied to become a sound engineer and I graduated from Alta scuola di Perfezionamento Musicale di Saluzzo. I started to run my own label in 2020 and worked until now as live sound engineer, sound director, sound designer, producer & boom operator.
Known for his insane fusion of native tones in his beats and multi-genre mixes, Moor Sound has worked with artistes like Kwaku DMC, Magnom , Gasmilla , KiddBlack , $pacely , Yaa Pono , Dee Moneey , Lil Kesh , Sean Tizzle and Orezi . His Joint album Here for a Good Time Not a Long Time with KiddBlack , was no.1 on Ghana’s apple music charts in 2019
Recent Successes
"Super efficient and very professional. It was such a pleasure working with Martin "
"Tech was very talented and creative. He made my vision come true and added some magic to the song. He delivered amazing work and kept me up to date thoughout the entire process. I would definitely work with him again."
"Great lyricist Very friendly I would like to work with him again"
"Dan took his time with everything I asked and he even made some suggestions that I ran with which ended up making everything sound even better than before. Both of these songs I made evolved a lot throughout this prod..."
"MY DUDEEEEEEE! On God 🙏🏼 this guy is going all the way to the top top! Best at what he does, trust me on this!"
"Hes just amazing to work with! He listens and cares about your project. Very patient when you need him to be, very passionate! Very nice person to talk to, always positive. Having someone like that in your team to wor..."
"Clean, crisp, and absolutely the best mixing this song could ever get. Every single note from every single instrument can be heard clearly even in the busiest section of the song. Thanks so much!"
"Mike was awesome to work with. He exceeded my expectations with very little direction from my end. My cover track has way more depth to it since he laid down his arrangements. Thanks Mike! "
"Best sound engineer I've ever worked with!"
"It was great to work with Jaime. She is professional. Her delivery is on time and sounds perfect. I would like to work with her again sometime soon. Highly recommended. "