Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Mickey Francesca
Hey, I'm Jake from London Ontario Canada and I learned how to mix through the highly regarded Music Industry Arts program right here in the city! I have done lots of work with local artists and am now looking to expand! I have experience in rap/hip hop music but I would say my speciality lies in alt rock/indie rock! Let's get to work!!
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Hi, thanks for vistiting. We offer several years of experience in recording sessions, arrangement, composition & mixing. Most importantly...... There are those who will do the job as quick'n'dirty as they can, take the money and be on their way. We won't - anything we work on we want to be excellent. It ain't just a job…..
Hip hop and electronic samples! Rock to pop covers and instrumentals! Arrangements of your song for string quartet! Whatever your music needs, I can bring!
A unique hybrid of styles, with over 300 television shows to my credit and Millions of artist streams I hope to bring creativity and uniqueness to your sound! My sounds, beats, orchestrations and productions are hand crafted to and unique, and will bring a wow factor to your music!
If you are looking for that modern R&B/Hip Hop sound, look no further! I am not just a producer turned beat maker, with my expertise in piano playing and sound design I will be able to compose and create a great dynamic song for you. With sounds that match or even exceed the songs you love.
Send your raw song and I'll arrange, produce and record for you. Or send your recorded tracks if you need mixing .
I will play Live Bass and Reggae Guitars, Sing Male BGVs, and be your Mix Engineer. Take your song to the next level. Those special ingredients will make your Reggae Song Great.
My goal is to help people manifest their highest self on a record. I make accessible songs with elements of depth and creativity that entertain and inspire. I create amazing soundscapes for rock, r&b, pop and rap artists alike. Invite me along with your creative process and I can bring a track that will make a great impression on your audience!
Friendly, experienced mastering engineer.
Recent Successes
"Steve did an incredible job mastering my tracks. He took the time to really determine what sound I was after and made it a reality. I will be using Steve again for my next project. Thanks Steve!"
"Talented and professional!"
"Fred is my main mastering guy because he always delivers exactly what I want! Looking forward to doing many more projects with him :)"
"Havoc & Lawn are true professionals in every sense. I just got my track mastered and couldn't be happier with the results. Will definitely be coming back for my next! "
"When I need a pocket player Chuck is "THE MAN". A pro's pro. Easy to communicate, will take the time to find the groove that fits the vibe of the song and plays it to perfection. Mahalo Chuck for another awesome job. ..."
"Great work every time, Dustin is the man! A total professional and a great guy!!"
"Eileen is a superlative professional. A top artist with deep understanding of dramatic lyrics, musical narrative, and strong work ethics. I love working with her. "
"Great skills and easy to communicate with! Good as always! "
"You can´t find a better singer out there than Marcello ! Professional, easy going, no ego ! fast delivery and top class voice. Voice of God !"
"SUVI was an absolute joy to work with! She was quick to respond, generous with her time, and most of all she totally nailed the vibe and energy that I wanted for my track. She's an excellent vocalist, and I would high..."